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贵州农业非点源污染负荷区域差异性研究 贵州农业非点源污染负荷区域差异性研究 贵州大学 贵州大学 2009 届硕士研究生学位论文 PAGE PAGE 5 PAGE PAGE 6 染物是砷(As)和镉( Cd)。 (5)确定了不同非点源污染物的主要控制区。遵义市、毕节地区为化肥和 农用地膜非点源污染重点控制区;遵义市、毕节地区、铜仁地区、黔东南州、 黔南州均为畜禽养殖污染重点控制区;遵义市、铜仁地区、黔西南州是生活污 染非点源污染的重点控制区;贵阳市、黔南州是重金属非点源污染重点控制区。 (6)针对不同非点源污染物提出有效防治措施。对于化肥施用产生的污染 可采取改进施肥方式、科学配方施肥、增施有机肥等措施。对农药施用产生的 污染可提倡科学用药,调整农药结构,研制无毒、低毒高效的新型农药等措施。 对于农膜施用产生的污染可采取提高农膜回收率、施用新型农膜等措施。对于 畜禽养殖产生的污染可采取科学选址、科学饲养等措施。 关键词: 贵州;农业污染;非点源污染;区域差异;污染负荷 Study on the difference of Agricultural non-point source pollution loads in Different Regions in Guizhou Province Abstract With the development of agricultural modernization,the pollution of Agricultural non-point source loads in different areas in Guizhou Province deteriorates rapidly. In this paper, agricultural non-point source pollution is determinated in the nine typical agricultural areas in the Prefecture-level cities of Guizhou Province by experiment, and the current situation is researched. Analyze quantitativly the level of heavy metal pollution load of the region by experiments; Analyze quantitativly the load level of pollutions of breeding livestock 、 regional rural life, agricultural film, chemical fertilizer and other non-point source pollution by using sewage coefficient methord; Analyze the load level of pollutions of pesticide non-point source pollution; Then analyze the difference among different cities, and put pertentinancly forward some main controlling regions and the corresponding sollutions.The main results are as follows: (1)The basic situations of arable land in main agricultural areas of Guizhou Province are as follows, these areas are soil and sticky in general; soil organic content is not high, the majority concentrated in the 40~50g/kg; soil nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrient content is low, the average content of nitrogen concentrated is about 2g/kg.Total nitrogen focuses on the levels of 0.2g/kg averagly, available nitrogen on the 200mg/kg,below average levels, and available P on the


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