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陈洪松 岳跃民王克林 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所亚热带农业生态 过程重点实验室 中国科学院环江喀斯特生态系统观 测研究站
西南喀斯特地区石漠化与贫困问题相互交织,是该区域社会经济可持续发展的 瓶颈。近二十年来,通过实施植被恢复、水土保持、生态移民等一系列治理措施, 石漠化整体扩展的趋势得到初步遏制,由过去持续扩展转变为净减少,西南喀 斯特地区生态状况呈良性发展态势,但防治形势仍很严峻,迫切需要寓经济发 展于生态治理之中。木文在分析石漠化综合治理成效、存在问题的基础上,探讨 了基于民生改善的石漠化防治对策。认为今后应在系统梳理和总结一期治理经验 和不足的基础上,进一步加强石漠化演变规律及其关键驱动因子、喀斯特关键带 结构与功能变化、植被与水文过程相互作用等慕础研究,将植被恢复与生态服务 提升、民生改善有机结合,健全“造血”功能,培育和发展与生态治理方向相适 应的生态衍生产业,助力扶贫攻坚,实现生态治理与脱贫致富双赢,促进该区 域社会经济协同发展及西南生态安全屏障建设。
关键词: 西南喀斯特地区;石漠化;综合治理;民生改善;生态服务;
作者简介:陈洪松(1973—),男,湖北通山人,博士,研究员,主要从事水土 保持与生态水文研究。E-mail :hbchs@isa. ac. cn
Comprehensive control on rocky desertification in karst regions of
southwest China: achievements, prob1ems、 and countermeasures
CHEN Hongsong YUE Yuemin WANG Kelin
Key Laborstory of Agro-eeologieal Processes in
Subtropical Region, Institute of Subtropical
Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Rocky desertification and poverty are intertwined in karst regions of southwest China, which is the bottleneck for regional social and economic sustainablc dcvclopmcnt. In recent near twonty years, through carrying out vegetation restoration, soil and water conservation, and ecological immigrant, the whole expansion trend of rocky desertification has got prel iminary containmenl from conti rm oils increase to net decrease, and ecological condition has achieved favorable development in karst areas of southwest China. However, the provention and control situation is st订 1 serious, and economic development should be considered urgently during the process of ecological control. This paper analyzed firstly the achievements and problems of rocky desertification comprehensive control, and then discussed its prevention and control countermecisures based on the improvement of people s livelihood. In the future, the studies on rocky desertification evolution and its key driving factors, the structure and function dynamics of karst critical zone, and the interaction