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西部民族地区可再生能源开发的区域特 征及可持续发展研究 邓彦斐徐雷 西南民族大学管理学院西华大学经济学院四川大 学商学院 摘要: 我国西部民族地区可再生能源开发潜力巨大,产业带动作用显著,具有优越的 资源禀赋和发展条件。近年来,西部民族地区可再牛能源开发取得了初步成效, 但也面临着资金、技术、人才与政策等诸多问题。理清西部民族地区可再生能源 的发展动因、特征与主要问题,科学实施可持续发展策略,对区域可再生能源的 规模化开发利用、社会经济发展与能源供给、能源结构低碳化均具有重要的现实 意义。西部民族地区应当持续推进政策协调与制度创新,扩大投融资渠道,因地 制宜地确立发展路线图,加大研发投入,建立开发合作机制与技术创新协作平 台,实现跨区域协同联动,以达到区域可再生能源的规模开发与可持续发展。 关键词: 可再生能源;西部民族地区;区域开发特征;可持续发展对策; 作者简介:邓彦斐(1986-),女,山东省济宁人,管理学博士,讲师,研究方 向为区域可持续发展,能源经济管理。 作者简介:徐雷(1982-),男,重庆人,管理学博士,四川大学商学院博士后, 副教授,研究方向为能源一经济一环境系统。 收稿日期:2017-11-12 基金:国家自然科学基金项目(编号 Study on Regional Characteristics and Sustainable Development for Renewable Energy Exploit in Western Minority Areas of China DENG Yan-fei XU Lei School of Management, Southwest University for Nationalities; School of Economics, Xihua University; Abstract: Wes tern minor ity areas of Chirm had a huge potential for the developme nt of renewable energy as well as a significant industry leeiding role. With the excellent resource endowments and development conditions, this region also faced with capital, technology, policy and many other issues. It was of great practical significance to clarify the causes, characteristics and main problems of regional renewable energy development and scientifically implement the sustainable development strategy, which was also of great significance to the energy supply and the low carbonization of energy structure and regional socio-economic development. The western ethnic minority areas should establish a development cooperation mechanism, complement the regional energy resources and the advantages of economically developed areas to eichieve the cross-regional synergistic development pattern, improve the regional financial environment, build a platform for innovation in financial services, broaden diversified investment and financing channels, expand the scale of financing, ini rodlice more market-orie nted means, develop market-oriented in vestme nl and financing system, increase RD investment, promot


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