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论企业信用风险及其控制 朱星文 江西财经大学会计发展研究中心 摘要: 我国现阶段企业信用状况令人担忧,拖欠款项、合同违约、产品侵权、虚假信息、 假冒伪劣产品、质量欺诈等多种失信行为长期困扰着企业。由于信用交易中买卖 双方的信息不对称产生了两种机会主义行为,一是买方会有选择地提供有利于 达成契约的信息,而屏蔽那些不利于契约达成的信息,有的甚至为了达到签约 目的而不惜造假,提供虚假信息;二是买方在信用交易达成后不及时足额支付价 款。要改变我国目前企业信用缺失,商业交易中信用风险居高不下的局面,除了 企业自身应加强信用风险的内部控制外,政府和社会也应采取相应的措施。 关键词: 企业信用;信用风险;风险管理; 收稿日期:2012-09-25 基金:江西财经大学2010年重点研究课题“公司治理与管理层问责研究” On the Corpora te Cred it Risk and Its Control Abstract: At the present stage, the corporate credi t situ at ion in Chi rm is of great concern;such dishonest behaviors as outstanding paymcnts, breach of contract, product right infringement,false information, counterfeit and shoddy products, quality fraud and so on are plaguing the enterprises. Due to the information asymmetry between buyers and sellers in the credit transaction, two kinds of opportunistic behaviors can be found: the first is that the buyer will choose to provide beneficial information to reach the contract, shielding information that is not conducive to reach the contract. Some even forge and provide false information for the purpose of signing the contract;the second is that the buyer will not make full and timely payment when the cred it deal is reached. In order to cha nge the present situation of credit missing in China s enterprises and higher credit risk in commercial transactions, all the enterprises themselves should strengthen their internal control of credit risk, besides, the government and the society should also take appropriate measures. Keyword: corporate credit;credit risk;risk management; Received: 2012-09-25 一、引言 经过20年的市场经济实践,市场经济从本质上來讲就是信用经济这一观点已被 越来越多的人所认同。然而,在我国的现实经济生活中,失信现象却比比皆是, 它像瘟疫一样侵害着经济社会的健康,成为我国市场经济体中的毒瘤,严重制 约了社会经济的发展进步。由于信用关系不佳,企业不敢大胆?投资,银行不敢正 常放贷,市场交易萎缩,经济发展受阻。商业失信现象仍在一定程度上滋生和蔓 延,严重影响和限制了企业的正常经营活动,部分企业甚至陷入困境。有调查显 示,企业对我国商业信用市场环境评价不高,认为一般的占被调查企业的57%, 认为混乱的占25%,认为规范的占11%,认为较规范的占7%。在市场经济发展进 程中,我们面临着严峻的考验:毒大米、地沟油、黑心棉、注水肉、劣质奶、追 命药、豆腐渣工程、虚假信息与账目……数不胜数;无孔不入的骗子、花样翻新 的骗术、以次充好的产品、贪污腐败与幕后交易……防不胜防。企业诚信体系到 T “礼崩乐坏”的边缘,危及到每一个公民的生命安全,


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