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中华人民共和国教育部 东北林业大学 毕业论文 论文题目: 论施工技术交底的重要性 学 生: 高世康 指导教师: 杨万忠高级讲师 学 院: 东北林业大学 专业年级: 建筑工程技术 2016年5月20日 论施工技术交底的重要性 技术交底,建筑施工企业中的技术交底,是在某一单位工程开工前,或一个分项 工程施工前,由相关专业技术人员向参与施工的人员进行的技术性交待,其目的是使施工 人员对工程特点、技术质量要求、施工方法与措施和安全等方面有一个较详细的了解,以 便于科学的组织施工,避免技术质量等事故的发生。使参与施工的人员对施工对彖从设计 情况、建筑结构特点、技术要求到施工工艺等方面有一个比较详细的了解,做到心中有数, 以便科学的组织施工和合理安排工序,避免发生技术指导错误和操作错误。同时各项技术 交底记录也是工程技术档案资料中不可缺少的部分。本文首先论述了施工技术交底的相关 概念以及施工技术交底分类、内容及方式,并详细论述了于公路施工屮沥青混凝土施工技 术交底的详细内容,以期形成对施工技术交底的整齐认识,以提高实际效率。 关键词:施工技术交底;编制原则;沥青磴技术交底;整齐认识 On the importance of construction technical clarification Abstract Technical disclosure, the construction enteiprises in the technical disclosure is in before the start of a unit project, or a sub project pre construction, assigned by the relevant professional and technical personnel to participate in the construction of the staff of the technical, the purpose is the construction workers on the projects characteristic, quality and technical requirements, construction methods and measures and safety have a more detailed understanding of, in order to facilitate the construction of scientific organization, avoid the occuiTence of quality accidents. To participate in the construction personnel on the construction of the object from the design, the structural characteristics of the construction, technical requirements to construction technology have a more detailed understanding, accomplish know fairly well to the scientific group Fabric construction and reasonable arrangement of the process, to avoid technical guidance errors and operation error occurred. At the same time the technical disclosure records is engineering technology archives is an indispensable part of. First of all, this paper discusses the construction technical clarification of the related concepts and construction technical clarification classification, contents and ways, and discusses in detail the details in the construction of highway asphalt concrete construction technical clarification, with a view to form


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