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第 33 卷第 5 期 电力与能源 441 20 1 2 年 1 0 月 柔性直流换流阀交流侧桥臂环流异常分析 杜科,毛颖科,丁古祥 (上海市电力公司检修公司直流运检中心,上海 200063) 摘 要;柔性直流输电技术在孤岛供电、城市电网供电、分布式能源并网等方面具有很高的应用价值。 介绍 了上海柔性直流输电示范工程的概况、系统电气接线和运行方式,分析了柔性直流试运行过程中出现的一起 故障案例。由于桥臂环流控制参数和结构不够优化,使得柔性直流换流阀的桥臂环流在长期运行中逐步增 大,出现不可控而引发桥臂过流保护动作。 通过调试,优化了环流控制程序的参数和结构,提升了系统控制 性能,解决了换流阀交流侧桥臂电流异常问题。 关键词:柔性直流输电;分布式能源并网, 柔性直流换流阀;桥臂环流,控制性能 中图分类号: Tι1614 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095 - 1256 (2012 )05 - 044 1- 04 Analysis of Abnormal Condition of Circulating Current of the ßridge in the HVDC Flexible Valve Du Ke , Mao Ying 衍, Ding Guxiang (HV以:: Operation and Miantenance Cent er oi lnspection and Maintenance Company , SMEPC , Shanghai 200063 , China) Abstract: HVDC Flexible has great ap plication va lu e in power transmission of so litar y island , urban power grid and grid connection oi distributed generation. In this paper , the genera l situation , system connection and operation mode oi Shanghai HVDC flexible transmission demonstration project is introduced. Then a iault oi the system is analysed. In the tria l operation , becau se the contro l parameter s and structure oi the bridge was not adequate , the circu lating current oi the bridge in the HVDC flexible va lu e increa sed progressive ly. And iina ll y overcurrent protect ion action occurred. The parameters and structure oi the bridge was opt im ized through commissioning , the control performance oi the system was improved and the prob lem was solved as las t. Key words: HVDC F lexib le; Grid connection oi distributed generation; HVDC flexible va lu e; Circu lating current oi the bridge; Contro l performance



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