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应试宝app赵亮生猛海词讲义 1.讲义更新至:2014年11.10号---全部 2.授课时间:周一~~周日,,每晚21:00-22:00 讲过的课程都可以回放的哦!!!!!!! 3.课程介绍:四六级顶级名师赵亮老师亲自带你背单词,碾压过级稳稳哒~~课程里面都会有老师详细的讲解的哦!!! 4.课程地址:手机app 应试宝 5.手机下载地址:扫描二维码,(建议qq扫一扫,微信扫一扫后点击右上角在浏览器中打开) 或在各大应用市场、app store 直接搜”应试宝“下载即可 ps:如果当天的课程没有讲完,下一次会接着讲的,所以讲义上面的单词你们自己看就ok了。 讲义: 第一讲 [absence] The mere absence of war is not peace, the mere absence of recession is not growth. [accord] For several months the British and American Governments had been acting towards Iraq in close accord. 第二讲 [address] I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience. [advance] The report advances the suggestions that safety standards should be improved. [alive] He is alive with ambition. [allowance] Allowance should be made for the difficulties of his position. [anonymous] She vanished into the vast anonymous mass of the population of London. 第三节 [arrest] Once Watergate erupted, it was impossible to arrest its course. [art] He was awarded an arts degree with honors in sociology. [associate] The associate professor was my close associate at school. [assumption] The court’s assumption of such responsibility had evoked a variety of responses. [attend] If you don’t attend to the lecture, you won’t understand. 第四讲 [attendant] Miseries are attendant on vice. [audience] I had a private audience with the King, and made a proposition. [backward] As a boy, Einstein was slow to talk and in early childhood was considered backward. [balloon] He has ballooned to 250 pounds. [bankrupt] This little girl was bankrupt in manners. 第五讲 [beam] The news was beamed to East Africa by satellite. [


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