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Water bloom outbreak in Lake Biwa 2019 - * Diatom bloom. Found in both fresh and saline water. These blooms may colour the water brown. 2019 - * A dense bloom of the dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans at a beach in the Limfjord, Denmark. Photo: Helene Munk S?rensen, County Board of ?rhus, Denmark 2019 - * Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in Crawley Bay, Swan-Canning Estuary, WA. Photo courtesy of West Australian Newspapers and used with permission of the Waters and Rivers Commission of Western Australia. 2019 - * 2019 - * Eutrophication and Algae Blooms Eutrophication is an increase of phytoplankton biomass and takes place when nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, are discharged into surface waters. This is natural but men made eutrophication enhances this process with massive consequences. It alters species composition and leads to a loss of biodiversity due to a loss of oligotophic systems. 2019 - * Men made eutrophication leads to an overgrow of algaes, a so called algae bloom, which results in scum formation and a reduced transparency of the water. Amongst cutting down the penetration of light, these blooms are in some cases even toxic. 2019 - * These consequences do not only reduce the bathing water quality and are a nuisance but they might also be harmful, especially to bathing small children. They also affect the local tourism 2019 - * Eutrophication especially occurs in coastal waters near the shore where a large amount of nutrients are transported by rivers. Blooms of phytoplankton have become a recurrent problem in the worlds. 2019 - * 2.有害藻类水华的危害 b.对浮游生物和底栖生物的影响。 B.水体生态及生物的影响。 a.影响水体的溶氧; A.严重破坏景观:水体发臭难闻,透明度降低 c.对整个生态系统结构和生物分布的影响 C.破坏正常的水生生态平衡 D .危害人类的健康 2019 - * 二、有害藻类水华的防治 鉴于有害藻类水华对环境及人类存在的危害性,对其进行控制和消除势在必行。 蓝藻水华尤其是大型湖泊中的蓝藻水华的治理是世界性的难题,除了降低水体中N、P营养盐水平外,世界许多国家对蓝藻水华的治理尝试了许多方法,归结起来有以下方法: 2019 - * 1.物理除藻 利用超声波的机械振动、声流和空化效应造成生物细胞组织的损伤、断裂或粉碎,使生物组分发生物理和化学变化,高效节能地破坏蓝藻天然复合物的关键组分,或抑制其生物合成,从而抑制光合作用的进行,达到抑制蓝藻生长、防止水华暴发的目的


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