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河南理工大学万方科技学院本科毕业(论文)说明书 PAGE PAGE 74 河南理工大学万方科技学院本科了毕业(论文)说明书 PAGE 1 矿用调度绞车的设计 摘 要 调度绞车是矿山生产系统中最常用的机电设备,主要用于煤矿井下和其他矿山在倾角度小于30度的巷道中拖运矿车及其它辅助搬运工作,也可用于回采工作面和掘进工作面装载站上调度编组矿车。 在设计过程中根据绞车牵引力选择电动的型号以及钢丝绳的直径,选择后验证速度是否与设计要求速度一致,根据要求设计绞车是通过两级行星轮系及所采用的浮动机构完成绞车的减速和传动,其两级行星齿轮传动分别在滚筒的两侧,从而根据设计要求确定行星减速器的结构和各个传动部件的尺寸,根据滚筒的结构形式选择制动装置为带式制动,并对各个设计零部件进行校核等等。绞车通过操纵工作闸和制动闸来实现绞车卷筒的正转和停转,从而实现对重物的牵引和停止两种工作状态。设计中绞车内部各转动部分均采用滚动轴承,运转灵活。 JD-0.5型调度绞车采用行星齿轮传动,绞车具有结构紧凑、刚性好、效率高、安装移动方便、起动平稳、操作灵活、制动可靠、噪音低以及隔爆性能、设计合理、操作方便,用途广泛等特点。 关键词:调度绞车; 带式制动;行星轮系 ABSTRACT Mine production Dispatching winch system is the most commonly used in electrical and mechanical equipment, mainly for underground coal mine and other mines in the dumping of less than 30 degrees angle of the roadway in the haulage mine car handling and other auxiliary work, can also be used for mining and tunneling Face loading station on the scheduling grouping tramcar. In the design process in accordance with electric winch traction choose the type and the diameter of wire rope, after the choice of whether or not verify the speed consistent with the design requirements of speed, according to winch was designed by two rounds of the planet and used by the body floating completion of the slowdown and drive winch , The two planetary gear transmission in the drum on both sides, in accordance with design requirements so as to determine the structure and planetary reducer in various parts of the drive size, according to choose the form of the structure of drum brakes for the belt brake, and various design Parts and components for checking and so on. Winch through the manipulation of gates and brake drum gates to achieve the winch is to turn and stop, thus realizing the weight of traction and the suspension of the two working condition. Winch in the design of the internal rotation of the rolling bearings are used, flexible operation. JD-0.5 to Dispatching winch used planetary gear transmission, the winch is compact, rigid and efficient, easy to


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