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第30卷第9期 岩
第30卷第9期 岩 土 力 学 V01.30 No.9
2009年9月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Sept.2009
文章编号l 1000--7598(2009)09--2823--07
擅要:为了研究全断面岩石掘进机(IBM)盘型滚刀的破岩机制及其影响因素,采用颗粒流方法建立了岩石与滚刀的二维 数值模型,实现了对TBM滚刀破岩过程的模拟。分析表明,滚刀的破岩过程可分为冲击挤压破碎、大量微裂纹生成、张拉 性主裂纹扩展3个阶段,证实了滚刀破岩的挤压.张拉破坏理论。在滚刀侵入深度相同的前提下,随着刀圈刃角以及刃宽的 增加,滚刀下的压碎区也相应增大,张拉性主裂纹数目增多,滚刀的破岩能力提高;与平刃刀圈相比,楔刃刀圈的“楔块劈 裂”作用更加显著,使径向裂纹扩展得更快且更深入岩石内部。TBM滚刀对强度较高或较低岩石的破坏损伤较小,而对中 等强度的岩石破坏损伤最为显著。
关键词:TBM;滚刀;破岩机制;颗粒流法;数值模拟 中图分类号:Tu 443 文献标识码:A
Research on numerical simulation of rock fragmentation by
TBM cutters using particle flow method
SU Li.junl一,SUN Jin.shan3”,LU Wen.b01
(1.State ofWater and Hydropower Science,Wuhan University.Wuhan 430072,China;2.Changjiang ofSurvey
Planning,Design&Re∞arch,Wdlan 430010,China;3.Faculty University ofGeosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
Abstract:In order to study the rock fragmentation mechanism and its influential factors,a numerical simulation method for simulming the rock fragmentation by the tunnel boring machine(TBM)cutters is proposed which is based particle flow code(PFC) method.、Mm PFC method.the two dimension numerical modeIs of rock material and TBM created.The results show that the rock fragmentation process be divided in 3 phases,which fragmentation by impact and extrusion,appearance of micro cracks,extending of dominating tensile cracks.And this proves the extrusion-tension theory of rock fragmentation by TBM When the have the same penetration depth,and the angle and width of CURer tings become larger,the crash and the
number of dominating tensile cracks enlarge.which means the fragmentation ability is enhanced.Compared wim the plain
tings,the wedge effect of wedge tings is more remarkable,which make the radial tensile cracks extend faster and deeper in rock material.The damage of medial strength rock by is more remarkable than the high and low strength rock.
Key words:TBM;
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