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Coco-寻梦环游记 中英文对照剧本 1--Sometimes, I think Im cursed. 有时候 我觉得自己被诅咒了 2--Cause of something that happened before I was even born. 这个诅咒源于我出生前发生的一些事 3--See, a long time ago, there was this family. 很久很久以前 有这样的一个家庭 4--The Pap , áhe was a musician.爸爸是一个音乐家 5--He and his family would sing and dance 他和他的家人总是载歌载舞 6--and count their blessings. 知足常乐 非常幸福 7--But he also had a dream.但他有一个远大的梦想 8--To play for the world. 他想让自己的音乐被整个世界听见 9--And one day...于是有一天 10--he left with his guitar... 他带着他的吉他离开了家 11--and never returned.从此再也没有回来 12--And the Mam ...á而这个妈妈 13--She didnt have time to cry over that walk-away musician. 根本就没有时间为这个出走的负心汉伤心 14--After banishing all music from her life... 她把所有音乐从她的生活里抹去之后 15--she found a way to provide for her daughter. 她找到了一个养活女儿的方法 16--She rolled up her sleeves... 她卷起衣袖 17--and she learned to make shoes.学会了怎么做鞋子 18--She could have made candy.她本可以学做糖果 19--O-o-or fireworks. 或者烟花也好 20--Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers. 或者摔跤选手穿的亮闪闪的内裤 21--But no. 但是她没有 22--She chose shoes.她选择了鞋子 23--Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.然后她教会了她女儿怎么做鞋子 24--And later, she taught her son-in-law. 接着 她教会了她女婿 25--Then her grandkids got roped in. 后来她的孙辈也进入了这个行当 26--As her family grew, so did the business. 在她的家族壮大的同时 生意也越做越大 27--Music have torn her family apart. 音乐曾使她的家族分崩离析 28--But shoes held them all together. 而鞋子又将他们凝聚在一起 29--You see that woman... 这个女人 30--was my great-great-grandmother... 便是我的曾曾祖母 31--Mam áImelda. 伊梅尔达 32--She died way before I was born. 她在我出生之前很久就去世了 33--But my family still tells her story... 但每年亡灵节的时候 34--every year on D a de ílos Muertos -- the Day of the Dead... 我的家族还会传颂她的故事 35--And her little girl? Shes my great-grandmother, Mam Coco.而照片中的á小女孩便是我的曾祖母可可 36--Hola, Mam Cocoá.早上好 曾祖母 37--How are you, Julio? 你好吗 胡里奥 38--Actually, my name is Miguel. 其实 我叫米格尔 39--Mam áCoco has trouble remembering things. 曾祖母的记忆力不太好 40--But its good to talk to her, anyway. 但是跟她说话还是很愉快 41--So, I tell her pretty much everything. 所以我总是找她倾诉 42--I used to run like this. 之前我是这样


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