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重庆理工大学 本科毕业论文——我国企业跨国并购财务风险及控制研究——以平安收购富通集团为例 PAGE III 本科毕业论文(设计) 我国企业跨国并购财务风险及控制研究 ——以平安收购富通集团为例 学生姓名 : 王军臣 学号 : 11002010223 专业 : 会计学 摘 要 在竞争激烈的全球化时代,许多企业选择通过跨国并购来规避本土市场经营风险,我国部分企业身先士卒,但并购结果却不尽人意。冒进的跨国并购没有给企业带来1+12的企业效应,反而导致企业走上经营歧路,甚至使企业面临破产倒闭的危机。不论出于何种动机的跨国并购都是面临巨大的风险,盲目进行并购活动的中国企业最终大多以失败告终。本文基于现有的企业并购理论通过对中国平安并购欧洲富通集团案例分析旨在:首先、提醒我国企业应该从盲目回归理性,唯有并购方案在财务上切实可行,才能降低并购风险,提高并购的成功率;其次、分析我国企业跨国并购中的风险并提出风险控制方法,试图对我国走出去的企业提供一些参考性建议,避免我国企业由于盲目“出海”而导致巨额亏损,同时也给我国已实施或正实施跨国并购的企业一些指导和借鉴作用,唯有前事不忘方能成为后事之师。 关键词:跨国并购; 财务风险; 风险控制 Abstract In the competitive circumstances of The Globalization Age, many companies choose the way by cross-border mergers and acquisitions to circumvent the business risk of the domestic market, some enterprises in China have done it firstly, but the results are unsatisfactory. Aggressive M A do not give enterprises 1 +1 2 business effect, but lead to companies go to the wrong business raod, even make companies face the bankruptcy crisis. No matter what motive of the M A, it must be faced with great risks, most of the Chinese companies finally failed by M A because of blindness. Through the Ping An mergers Fortis Group case ,the papers aim at: firstly, to remind Chinas enterprises should return to reason, only M A program can be done on finance ,wo can reduce acquisition risk and improve the M A success rate; secondly, analysis of the risk of Transnational M A and proposed risk control methods, trying to provide some suggestions to avoid Chinese enterprises large losses, also give some business guidance and reference to chinese companies that have implemented or are implementing the cross-border mergers and acquisitions, past experience can become a guide for the future. Key words:M A; Financial risk; Risk control 目 录 摘 要……………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract……………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 一、引言…………………………………………………………1 二、跨国并购相关理论及现状…………………………………………2 = 1 \* GB4 ㈠企业并购基本理论………………………………………………2 = 2 \* GB4 ㈡跨国并购存在的风险………………………………………



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