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摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 建筑节能是我国的一项长期国策,而对于建筑节能效果的检测与评估,国 外重在过程控制,而我国也颁布了相应的过程控制的法规标准。但是,鉴于种 种原因,节能建筑的现场检测也是必需的一个环节,尤其是嗣护结构传热系数 的现场检测是十分复杂的,并且对于分析建筑物实际运行中的能耗状况和反映 施工过程的偏差也起着非常重要的作用。 本文以用于现场检测的热流计法作为研究对象,通过编写墙体非稳态传热 模型的数值计算程序,研究了墙体热惰性、太阳辐射、风速、测试时的室内外 温差等客观条件对检测结果准确性的影响。 通过本文研究,可以得到如下结论: 1.尽管热流计置于被测墙体内表面可以减小热惰性引起的误差,但误差仍高达 30%以上,经修正后误差可小于5%。 2.选择北向墙体检测并不能消除太阳辐射的影响,误差仍在18.7%~58.3%之 间,经修正后误差在5%左右。 3.为了减小风速变化引起的墙体检测误差,在风速较大的天气检测必须对检测 结果进行修正。 4.为了保证一维传热条件,室内外温差宜控制在15~20℃。在温差难以控制的 情况下对热阻实测值进行修正是可行的,并且能将误差从30%左右降到2% 左右。 关键词:建筑节能,现场检测,非稳态传热,热流计 AbstractAbstract Abstract Abstract 硼硷energy oamervatinn in building is a long-term national policy.For energy conservation inspection and evaluations,the OVClscas focuses on process contr01.Our country has also made some standards for process contr01.BuL it is necessary to do in-situ锄ergy efficiency inspection for building,especially for the enclosure as it is complicated.Furthermore,it plays all important role in analyzi_ng the real energy consumption ofthe building and reflecting the problems in the period ofconstruction. This dissortation researching on the Heat Flow Meter method which iS used in in-situ thermal performance inspection of building enclosure,compiles a program to calculate the unsteady heat transfer model.In allusion to the result,it analyzes the influence of the inspection method,which is caused by the index of thermal inertia, the solar radiation,the wind speed and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor. 111c results show that: 1. 111e heat flow meter put Oil the internal surface Can reduce the testing errors caused by the index of thermal inertia.But the relative error is as large as 30%.which Call be reduced t0 smaller than 5%after modification. 2.Taking the inspection on the northward wall gas’t eliminate the errors caused by the solar radiation.The relative error is 18.7%~58.3%.which call be reduced to about 5%aRer modification. 3.111c results which are obtained when the wind speed is a little big should be mo


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