市场营销战略 (2).ppt

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NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * RECRUITING TRAINING NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * Process incorporates real time market information The lack of systematic feedback from the field (coupled with an out of control discounting process) often distorts perceptions on prices relative to competitors and thus it is necessary to capture and resist market information regularly? NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * All service improvements should be pilot-tested before full-scale rollout. The gaming client actually built a mock-up pilot to test customer responses NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * 其它用于对营销部进行评估的标准 活动 针对消费者的促销 广告活动 新产品投放 消费者忠诚度 总体 除各品牌损益外,还应以非财务性的衡量指标来考查营销部的业绩。 营销计划的预期效果是评估营销业绩的标准。 市场调研不仅对制定公司战略非常重要,而且对于评估公司的主要营销功能(品牌管理)尤其关键。 标准 销售额的增加 促销后的重复购买 经提示和不经提示的回想 品牌知名度 尝试率 重复购买率 消费者忠诚度(在出现断货时的行为) 使用(量及频率) 市场份额 品牌形象 方法 一般时期与促销时期的销售额对比 促销后的销售额 营销审计(媒体活动前、后的调研) 市场调研 销售趋势 市场调研 市场调研 经销商的信息 资料来源: 麦肯锡分析 NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * text text NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC980929BJ(GB) * NCPC98


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