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请先在如下网址观看《老友记》第一季第六集,然后有不懂的地方再根据台词找对应翻译(也可以直接在看视频时看视频里的字) 视频地址: HYPERLINK n351644017.shtml n351644017.shtml (如果无法直接打开链接,可以在百度中搜索“ 老友记”) 美剧学口语方法: 先看第一遍了解剧情 看第二遍记录本集中对自己来说没有见过的表达方式,并背诵 看第三遍模仿角色的发音,进行配音练习! 美剧台词 friends第一季第六集 这一段为大家准备的配音练习是罗斯和钱德勒的对话,非常有趣,一起来试试吧!本段对话在第02:35-03:25分钟左右。 Chandler: (staring at a woman across the room) Ross, ten oclock. Ross: Is it? Feels like two. Chandler: No, ten oclock. Ross: What? Chandler: (sighs and gestures to explain) Theres a beautiful woman at eight, nine, ten oclock! Ross: Oh. Hel-lo! Chandler: Shes amazing! She makes the women that I dream about look like short, fat, bald men! Monica: Well, go over to her! Shes not with anyone. Chandler: Oh yeah, and what would my opening line be? Excuse me. Blarrglarrghh. Rachel: Oh, cmon. Shes a person, you can do it! Chandler: Oh please, could she be more out of my league? Ross, back me up here. Ross: He could never get a woman like that in a million years. Chandler: Thank you, buddy. Phoebe: Oh, oh, but yknow, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys. Monica: You could do that! Chandler: Ythink? All: Yeah! 罗斯,十点钟 是吗?感觉像是两点 不,十点钟 什么? 一位美女在8,9,10点钟方向 她简直就是仙女下凡 她让我的梦中情人,变得有如矮胖的秃子 过去啊,她旁边没人 对,我该用什么开场白? 对不起,啦啦啦啦之类的 拜托,她只是个人,你罩得住 请告诉我,我配得上她吗? 罗斯,帮我壮壮胆 他这副德行 一辈子都别想把到这种美女 谢了,老兄 但这种美女, 身边总是跟着蹩脚货 你也可以成为其中之一 没错,你能办到 你们也认为? 是的. 乔伊要开始演戏啦,一起练习这一段吧!!在第04:11-05:09分钟左右。 All: ...Hey! Youre in a play! I didnt know you could dance! You had a beard! Joey: Cmon, you guys, it wasnt that bad. It was better than that thing I did with the trolls, at least you got to see my head. All: (admitting) Saw your head. Saw your head. Chandler: (running back) She said yes!! She said yes!! (To Joey) Awful play, man. Whoah. (To All) Her names Aurora, and shes Italian, and she pronounces my name Chand-lrr. Chand-lrr. I think I like it better that way. (To Joey) Oh, listen, the usher gave me this to give to you. (He fishes a card out of his pock



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