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商务英语口语 口语团每周五的选做是剑桥BEC商务英语口语和托业口语考试的分享时间。我们话不多说,一起来看看这两种考试的基本概况。 BEC商务英语: Business English Certificate (BEC) The BEC exams are produced by?Cambridge ESOL. They test your English in a business context. What level is BEC? There are three levels of BEC: BEC Preliminary (B1) BEC Vantage (B2) BEC Higher (C1) Who is it for? The BEC Tests are designed for individuals. They would be very useful preparation for someone studying on a business course What are the BEC tests like? BEC is published by Cambridge ESOL. The tests have four sections. Reading, writing, listening and speaking. Where and when can I take the tests? BEC is held on various fixed dates in centres worldwide. The tests are available monthly. Candidates must enter through an authorised centre. You can find details of dates and centres here. Do I need to have business experience to take the BEC tests? No, BEC tests your English in a business setting but you do not need to know specialised business vocabulary or concepts. 具体的口语考试内容介绍请参考下文: 考试由三部分组成: 第一部分,考官对每个考生轮流提问,问一些一般性问题,并不严格按照顺序进行。这部分考试时间为3分钟左右。主要考查考生自我介绍的能力,提供有关自己家庭、兴趣、学习和工作的信息,并表达如同意、反对或喜好等意见的能力。 第二部分是简短发言。考官给每位考生三张卡片,每张卡片上都有指定的话题。考生可以选择其中一张,用大约一分钟的时间准备一段持续一分钟的有发挥的简短发言。卡片上有两个提示要点,考生可以发挥第三个要点,以充实内容。每个考生讲完后,就会请他们的搭档对他所讲的内容提一个问题。考试时间为6分钟左右。考试的时候考生不可以互换卡片。互相不知道对方的话题, 所以考生要认真听考官讲话,考官会把考生要讲的话题说出来的。考官的指示语请看本文最后一部分。 第三部分是考生间讨论问题,(三个考生则采取三向讨论的形式)。考官给考生一个讨论题目,里面有关于主题的背景介绍和两个和主题相关的小问题。讨论前给考生30秒的时间阅读题卡要求,不可以写笔记,然后直接进入讨论,讨论时间是3分钟左右,考官可以进行恰当的引导。讨论结束后,考官会向两位考生提一些与主题有关的问题。考试时间总共为5分钟左右。 托业(TOEIC)考试: What Is the TOEIC? The TOEIC or Test of English for International Communication, is a standardized test given to non-native English speakers. Who Uses TOEIC Results? Corporations and government agencies recruiting new hires. Educational institutions establishing placement in English classes. What Is on the TOEIC? The traditional TOEIC only tests two skills: Listening and Reading. However, ETS, the makers of the TOEIC, have added a TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test to bolster t



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