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MRI imaging Fig. 3C. Same a patient . T2-weighted HASTE coronal image shows involvement of entire kidney by localized cystic disease and single small cyst in left kidney.图3 同一病人,磁共振T2加权冠状位图像显示囊肿累及右肾全部,并且左肾有一个小囊肿 MRI imaging Fig. 3D. Same a patient . MR arteriogram shows slightly attenuated right main renal artery (arrow) with splaying of intrarenal vessels around multiple cysts. Although entire kidney is involved with cysts, there is enough remaining functioning parenchyma so that excretion of contrast medium is present.图3 D 同一病人,MR动脉血管成像显示右肾动脉略纤细(箭头示) ,并且肾内血管的分支围绕在囊肿周围。尽管整个肾脏被囊肿累及,剩余有功能的肾实质足够排泄目前的对比剂。 Fig. 4. —62-year-old man who was incidentally found to have cystic abnormality of right kidney. CT findings were interpreted as possible cystic neoplasm and patient underwent right nephrectomy. Pathologic evaluation showed findings of localized cystic disease. Although interpreted as possible cystic neoplasm, CT scan viewed with adjacent sections is characteristic of localized cystic disease of kidney with multiple simple cysts separated by attenuated enhancing renal tissue (arrow).图4. 62岁男性病人,偶然发现右肾囊性异常。CT表现可能被解释为囊性肿瘤并且病人接受了右肾切除术。病理检查报告肾囊肿。尽管CT解释有可能是囊性肿瘤,但CT扫描观察囊性病变的相邻分隔特点,与多发单纯肾囊肿被纤细的肾组织强化分隔是不同的(箭头示)。 CT imaging Fig. 5. —CT scan of pathologically proven multilocular cystic renal adenocarcinoma in 59-year-old man shows well-encapsulated mass in middle portion of left kidney with multiple enhancing septae (solid arrow). Mass of cystic locules is encompassed in single large encapsulated mass (open arrow). Enhancing tissue seen in lesion represents tumor tissue.59岁男性病人,病理证实为肾囊腺癌。CT增强扫描显示左肾中间部见囊性肿块合并多个强化分隔(实心箭头)。囊腔被大肿块包绕(空心箭头)。病变中的强化组织代表肿瘤组织。 CT imaging Thanks! THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 * 可编辑 可编辑 Localized Cystic Disease of the Kidney 肾脏局灶性囊性病变 Introduction Localized


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