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24 1 () Vol. 24 No. 1 2010 3 Journal ofUn iversity of outh China( cience and Technology) M ar. 2010 : 1673- 0062( 2010) 01- 0017- 04 核电厂放射性固体废物处理 1, 2 1* 2 马宝成 , 邱小平 , 叶永东 ( 1. , 421001; 2. , 518124) : 核电厂在运行和换料大修时, 会产生 一些废物. 这些废物中有 放射性的 (废气废热化学产物), 也有放射性的(气体液体固体 ), 为了保护周围环境免受 放射性污染, 防止对工作人员和居民过量的放射性辐照, 所有放射性废物在排放到环 境和最终处理前, 必须经收集和处理. 本文介绍了核电站放射性三废的来源分类以 及对不同种类废物的不同处理方式. : 核电站; 压水堆; 三废; 后处理 : TL941 : A SolidWasteDisposal ofRadioactiveNuclearPower Plant 1, 2 1* 2 MA Bao-cheng , QI Xiao-ping , YE Yong-dong ( 1. chool ofNuclear cience and Technology, Un iversity of outh Ch ina, Hengyang, Hunan 421001, China; 2. China Guangdong Nuclear Pow er G roup, henzhen, Guangdong 518124, Ch ina) Abstract: Nuclear pow er station w ill produce som ew aste when it is circu lating and chan- ging the fuel. Thisw aste is either non- radioactive (w aste gas, w aste heat, chem istry prod- uct), or rad ioactive ( gas, liqu id, solid). In order to protect the environm ent from the rad io- active contam ination, prevent the excessive atom ic irrad iation to the staff and resident. s, all radioactive w astemust be collected and processed before letting to the environment and final processes. Th is article introduces the classification and origin of the from three rad io- active w astes nuclear pow er station, asw ell as the different types of processing mode to the differentw astes. Key words: nuclear pow er station; w ate


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