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英语口语教学中的流利度研究 摘要 随着社会和经济的发展,英语口语在我国的对外交际中起到了越来越重要的 作用。 但是,经过多年的学习,我国许多学生还是不能开口用英语交谈,更谈 不上达到流利的程度。因此, 如何使学生经过几年的英语学习能够流利地与外 国人进行交际就成为了十分有意义的课题。本文从流利度的角度出发,分析了流 利度的定义及流利度产生的内在因素,提出了对提高英语口语流利度行之有效的 三种方法,并指出三种方法是有机结合密不可分的。最后通过实验来证明这种教 学方法的有效性,并分析了学生话语的特点。 全文包括引言,正文,结论三部分。引言分析了英语口语教学的目的并介绍 了论文的主要结构。正文分为四个部分。第一部分主要讨论了流利度的三个不同 概念。这三种对流利度的不同理解对英语口语教学和测试都有着十分重要的意 义。第二部分主要从认知语言学的角度阐述了两种解释流利度产生的理论模式。 第三部分基于上述两种理论模式上提出了三种提高英语口语流利度的方法。第四 部分是本文的重点,通过两种教学方法的对比,对学生话语的特点进行了分析, 得出的结论是,无论是在短语的使用还是停顿等各方面实验组都优于控制组。结 论部分对全文加以总结,并指出了实验的不足。 作者希望论文所讨论的问题对英语口语教学起到一定的参考作用。 3 AbstractWith the social and economical development the ability to speak fluent English is playing an increasingly important role in the communication with foreign countries, but quite a number of university students in China, after many years’ study of English, still have difficulty in opening their mouths to speak English, let alone communicate fluently with the foreigners. Therefore it is extremely valuable to explore the efficient means of promoting the students’ spoken English ability within the shortest time possible. From the fluency point of view, the thesis discusses the concepts of fluency as well as the theory explaining the fluent production of speech. and proposes three ways to improve fluency. Finally an experiment is made and the speech samples are analyzed to support the viewThis thesis is divided into six chapters, including Introduction and ConclusionIntroduction briefly discusses the aim of English language learning and teaching and presents the scope of the thesisChapter Two discusses the concepts of fluency from a historical point of view. The different concepts of fluency have great influence on our language learning and teaching and the assessment of oral production. Chapter Three covers the theoretical basis for the explanation of how the fluent production is made. Two models are fully explained in this chapter. Based on the two models, Chapter Four puts f


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