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PAGE II PAGE III 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目:论有效沟通在绩效管理中的应用 PAGE I 摘 要 在很多企业中,管理者越来越重视绩效管理,希望通过绩效管理促使员工进步,完成组织目标,促进企业的发展。因此绩效沟通无疑占据着举足轻重的地位,它不是存在于哪一个细节部分,不是存在于哪个环节当中,而是贯穿于绩效管理的始终。绩效管理的过程包括:绩效计划的制定,绩效计划的执行,绩效结果的反馈与检查,绩效结果的应用与改善,这期间的每一个过程都离不开有效沟通。 绩效管理不是手段,只是一种目的,它的目的在于给员工一个明确的方向和目标,让员工去达成这个目标,提高员工绩效,从而提高组织生产效率,实现组织目标。绩效管理是连接员工个体行为和组织目标之间最直接的桥梁,绩效管理占据着重要的地位,我们必须重视有效沟通的作用,绩效管理的每一个环节都需要互动,需要有效沟通,保证绩效管理的顺利进行。 关键词:绩效管理;有效沟通;目标 Abstract In many companies,managers had more attention to performance appraisal,they hope that employees can make progress and achieve organizations goals through the performance appraisa.,so that it can promote enterprises developmant.Therefore,perf- ormance of communication occupise a pivotal position ti’s not present in some detail parts or aspects in performance appraisal,but it always runs through the performance appreisal. Performance appraisal process,including performance appraisal,performan- ce the implementation of the plan,feedback and inspect on the results of performance, result of use and improvement of performance,every peroid can not do without effective communication. Performance appraisal is not a meana,but a porpuse.Its purpose is to give employ- ees a clear direction and goals,so that employees can achieve them and improve their performance,which can improve organizational productivity and achieve organization goals.Performance management which is a direct bridge to connect behavior of employees individuals and organaization goals,performance appraisal occupy an important position,we must pay more attention to the role of effective communication. Every aspect of performance appraisal need to interact and effective communication, so we must listen carefully to every step and communacate effectively that make sure smooth progress of performance appraisal. Key words: Performance appraisal;Effective communication; Goals 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 一、有效沟通在绩效管理里的基本概况 (一)有效沟通应贯穿于绩效管理的始终 h 1 (二)绩效管理时有效沟通必须落实到位


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