
南昌大学医学院急危重症护理学课件 救护技术.ppt

南昌大学医学院急危重症护理学课件 救护技术.ppt

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Chapter 11 Rescue Technique He xueying Section 1 Endotracheal Intubation Tracheotomy I. Endotracheal Intubation Endotracheal intubation (ETI) refers to the procedure of inserting a tube directly into the trachea through the mouth or the nose by way of vocal cord. Key terms Vallecula 会厌谷 Gastric contents 胃内容物 Saliva 唾液 Upper jaw 上颌 Cervical 颈部 Purpose 1. To maintain an adequate, patent airway: 2. To provide an airway for mechanical ventilation: 3. To allow direct access to the tracheal for removal or suctioning of secretion: 4. To protect the trachea and lungs from aspiration of gastric contents, saliva(唾液), or blood and secretion into upper airway. 5. To provide a route for tracheal administration of emergency medications for a patient in cardiac arrest. Indication Contraindication 2. Trachea cannula (气管插管) man------36-40type woman--32-36type 3. Catheter(导管管心) (金属导丝) Other: bite block (牙垫) aspirator(吸引器) sprayer(喷雾器) stethoscope(听诊器) Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating Vallecula 线沟,果谷 Vocal cords 声带 Arytenoids 杓状软骨 Cartilages 软骨 Piriform sinuses 梨状窦,梨状窝 Attention ! Attention ! Attention ! /u63/v_Mzg4MDM5MTY.html /b1394159417.html /news/20071015203459.htm /zyjzx/video-qiguanchaguanshu.htm Preface Tracheostomy/tracheotomy is a surgical incision into the trachea for the purpose of establishing an airway, also known as surgical airway, or “trach”. Tracheotomy is a highly complicated, time-consuming surgical procedure and is not appropriate for emergencies. 2. Contraindication 3. Equipment bag of incision of trachea气管切开包 sterile gloves无菌手套 1%procaine普鲁卡因 sputum aspirator 吸痰器 NS 生理盐水 light 照明灯 Syringe 注射器 4. Match with operator 1. Place the patient in a supine position. Unless there is a potential cervical spine injury, locate the head at the centric position, and make the mandible(下颌), thyroid eminence(喉结) and incisure of t



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