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Unit 4 When is Easter? Part A Let’s talk The Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节 The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. It’s on June 20th this year. Double Ninth Festival We often climb mountains. We usually visit old people and send gifts to them. * What day is it today? It’s Mothers Day. When is Mothers Day? It’s on May 8th. Oh! Today is Mothers Day! one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 first 1st 第一 second 2nd 第二 third 3rd 第三 fourth 4th 第四 fifth 5th 第五 选择对应的序数词,并快乐地说出你的答案! A. first B. second C. third one A. first 选择对应的序数词,并快乐地说出你的答案! A. third B. second C. first two B. second 选择对应的序数词,并快乐地说出你的答案! A. third B. fourth C. fifth five C. fifth There are some special days in April.四月有些特别的日子。 April 2015 When is April Fool’s Day? It’s on April 1st. It’s in April. first =1st When is Easter ? It’s on April 5th. It’s in April. fifth =5th 他们在谈论哪个月份呢? When is the sports meet? Zhangpeng? Its on April 4th. Its next Friday, then. Good luck(好运). Thanks. The dialogue. 四月份张鹏参加运动会,四月里还有什么特别的日子呢? Can you tell me the difference between “in” and “on”?告诉我in和on有啥区别? Easter is in April. April Fools Day is in April, too. Easter is on April 5th. April Fools Day is on April lst. “in”用在月份前,“on”用在某一天前。 小组合作,与你的小伙伴一起朗读 第38页 Let’s talk 试着翻译对话,划出自己不懂的地方。 There are some special days in April. What are they? 特别的 Adj. 在四月有一些特别的日子。 它们是什么呢? April fool’s day and Easter. When is the April fool’s day? 愚人节 复活节 愚人节和复活节. 愚人节在什么时候呢? It’s on April 1st. And Easter? 具体的日期前面要用on 在四月一日。 那复活节呢? It’s on April 5th this year. Wow! I love April. 今年是在四月五日. 哇噻!我太爱四月了! 表演对话! 加上丰富的 表情和动作 使表演更生动! (1)When is April Fool’s Day? __________________________ Answer the questions (2)When is Easter? _________________________ It’s on April 1st. It’s on April 5th. A : When is the April fool’s day? B : It’s on April 1st. 基数词1-5 变 序数词 第一到第五: 重点句型: first 1st 第一 second 2nd 第二 third 3rd 第三 fourth 4th


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