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I I 拒不支付劳动报酬罪之解读 中文摘要 中文摘要 《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》将恶意欠薪行为正式纳入刑法的调整范 围,增设拒不支付劳动报酬罪。这一规定在一定程度上震慑了欠薪的用人单位, 调和了劳资矛盾,维护了社会主义市场经济秩序。 拒不支付劳动报酬罪的犯罪构成要件是研究的基础问题。本罪的犯罪客体是 劳动者获得劳动报酬的权利,犯罪客观方面主要表现为行为人通过转移财产、逃 匿等方法逃避支付劳动者的劳动报酬或者有能力支付而不支付劳动者的报酬,数 额较大且经有关部门责令仍不支付的行为,犯罪主体是自然人和单位,犯罪主观 方面表现为直接故意和间接故意。就相关的司法认定而言,此罪与彼罪的界限、 罪数形态等问题是关键。本罪属于继续犯,存在结果加重犯,不存在想象竞合犯。 德国、俄罗斯、加拿大及香港地区的立法经验为我国拒不支付劳动报酬罪的 规定提供了借鉴。然而,我国关于拒不支付劳动报酬罪的现有规定,可操作性不 强,需要更细化的理论支持。具体而言,关于“举证责任分配”,公诉案件仍以 “谁主张、谁举证”的原则,公诉转自诉案件采用举证责任倒置的分配方式;关于 “不支付劳动报酬”的时间应采用俄罗斯时间法定的方式;还应当进一步建立健 全相关衔接、协调机制,完善农民工工资支付保证金与欠薪保障金制度,加强企 业社会责任制度。 关键词:拒不支付劳动报酬罪;恶意欠薪;立法概况;犯罪构成 作 者:孔 阳 指导教师:陈珊珊 II II Abstract Research on the Crime of Refusing to Pay labor Remuneration Abstract Defaulting on paying wage and crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration are newly added into the 8th criminal law amendment, which to some extent could deter the employing unit from deliberately not paying workers’ wages, reconcile contradiction between employers and employees, maintain order of socialist market economy as well. Crime constitution is the basic problem of crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration. It is made of four parts, namely crime object, crime objective aspect, crime subject and crime subjective aspect. Crime object refers to the rights of employees for labor remuneration; Crime objective aspect appears as the action of employers transferring poverty or escaping to stave off default, or refusing to pay labor remuneration when they are capable. In addition, the number of labor remuneration should be huge and employers’ refusing to pay labor remuneration is after being ordered by related departments. Crime subject includes natural persons and units. Crime subjective aspect includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent. In terms of related judicial cognizance, the key is distinct of similar crimes and crime forms. Refusing to pay labor remuneration is a continuous crime, referring to aggregated consequential offense but not imaginative jointer. Legislativ



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