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2型糖尿病高血糖的非胰岛素治疗:可指导治疗个性化的特定降糖药物属性 Gene therapy基因治疗 1 Stop pancreatic βcells immune injury, inhibit pancreatic islet βcell apoptosis, thus preventing type 1 diabetes 阻止胰岛β细胞的自身免疫损伤,抑制胰岛β细胞的凋亡,从而防止1型糖尿病发生 2 Improve the peripheral tissue sensitivity to insulin改善外周组织对胰岛素的敏感性 3 The gene therapy of insulin 胰岛素的基因治疗 Stem cell therapy干细胞治疗 The research status of application of stem cells in the treatment of diabetes and its Complications 干细胞在治疗糖尿病 及其并发症方面的应用 Stem cells in the role of insulin resistance 干细胞对 胰岛素抵 抗的作用 Stem cell about the regeneration and repair of Islet βcell 干细胞对胰岛β细 胞的再生与修复 Restoration of stem cells to other insulin secretion 干细胞对其他胰岛素分泌细胞的修复 The latest treatment最新治疗 Digital hearing AIDS 数字化助听器 Cochlear implant system 人工耳蜗植入 The latest treatment 最新治疗 Trditional Chinese Medicine中医药 Acupunction 针灸 THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 可编辑 可编辑 国际糖尿病性耳聋临床诊治新进展 广东省第二中医院 郭 宏 goguo256@163.com 目录 International progress in clinical diagnosis and treatment of diabetic deafness 国际糖尿病性耳聋 临床诊治新进展 The cause of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的病因 the pathogenesis of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的发病机制 Epidemiology of diabetes deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的流行病学 clinical manifestations, diagnosis and classification of diabetes deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的临床表现、诊断与分级 Treatment of diabetes deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的治疗 糖尿病性耳聋的流行病学 Epidemiology of diabetes deafness The incidence of diabetes deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的发病率 Types of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的类型 Pathological changes of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的病变部位 The cause of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的病因 Inner ear microvascular lesions 内耳微血管病变学说 Nervus statoacusticus lesion 位听神经病变学说 Genetic theory 遗传学说 The cause of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的病因 pathogenesis The pathogenesis of diabetic deafness 糖尿病性耳聋的发病机制 Sugar metabolism and regulation 糖代谢与调节 lipid metabolism and regulation 脂代谢与调节 Protein metabolism and regulation 蛋白质代谢与调节 Function of i


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