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* 各位医生,今天我向您介绍雾化治疗和雾化吸入药物的一些情况。我们公司一直提倡的宣传口号是选择合适的药物、合适的吸入装置用于合适的哮喘病人。对于婴儿或年龄很大的哮喘病人,目前比较理想的吸入方法是雾化吸入。雾化吸入的药物应是目前第一线的抗炎药-吸入激素,同时吸入短效B2受体激动剂缓解病人症状。大家都知道普米克-布地奈德是一个治疗指数(疗效/副作用)非常好的药物即合适的药物,而目前中国市场上的雾化激素也只有普米克有,它就是普米克令舒。 Slide 3 The burden of asthma on pre-school children is particularly great. According to the UK National Asthma Campaign’s Asthma Audit in 2001:5 While the number of first or new weekly asthma episodes presenting to GPs has increased considerably in the past 25 years, the level of increase has been particularly high in pre-school children (as shown in the figure). The prevalence of asthma and wheeze in children has also increased during the past three decades; the audit found that in children aged 7–8 years the prevalence of wheeze had increased from 11% in 1973 to 13% in 1988, in children aged 1–5 years wheeze increased from 12% in 1990 to 26% in 1998. The rate of primary-care consultation was greatest in pre-school children, at 192 per 100,000 per week for children aged 0–4 years, compared with 188 for children aged 5–14 years and 109 for adults aged 15–44 years. Out of an estimated 3.9 million annual consultations for asthma across all age groups, 9% were for the relatively small age group of children aged 0–4 years, compared with 20% for children aged 5–14 years, and 37% for adults aged 15–44 years (the remainder being for older adults). The rate of hospitalisation due to asthma in pre-school children rose substantially between the 1960s and late 1980s, but now appears to be in decline. However, the current rate of asthma hospitalisation of pre-school children in the UK is still more than 3 times higher than in older children and 6 times higher than in adults. Slide 5 RSV is a common agent causing bronchiolitis in children: In a multicentre study in Argentina, involving 1,278 children aged 5 years hospitalised due to acute lower respiratory infection, RSV was detected in 78.2% of all viral positive cases (viral positive cases represen


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