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出了飞跃土地开发有限责任公司的 SO战略、 WO战略、 ST战略和WT 战略四种战略 措施。同时阐述了战略实施的步骤和战略实施过程.中应该注意的问题,并介绍 了飞跃土地开发有限责任公司战略控制系统和战略控制内容。
关键词:肩山市飞跃公司 SWOT分析土地开发整理战略
The Study on Land Development and Consolidation Strategy of Meishan Feiyue Land Development Co.,Ltd.
Major: Business administration Postgraduate: Yang Rui Tutor: Ding Mingxian
Abstract: Land is 也e most important material for human to survive and develop. The land development and consolidation is a long-term and systematic project, involving economic,social and ecological environment ,related to the sustainable
development of human society. Especially with the hannonious development of urban and rura1缸创s,and the promotion of new rura1 construction, land
development and consolidation is the main element of these two important work.
And the importance has been increasing. Therefore,the research on land development and consolidation strategy has important th∞retical and practica1
guidan臼.白lis pap町 ana1yzes land development and consolidation ,based on resource scarcity th∞巧 land rent and price 也ωry. And it also summarizes the internal and extema1 s回.tegic environment, strategic choice,strategic implementation and strategic control of Meishan Feiyue Land Development Co., L时, using observation and SWOT analysis.
Thispa严r is divided into four parts:
The first part is the prefa∞.It introduc臼 the research background ,domestic and foreign scholars on 也e present research,research pu甲ose,research methods
and so on.
The second p缸t is 也e th∞retica1 of this article.lt explor臼也en白白sity of
111land development and.c?nsolidation of Meishan Feiyue Land Development Co., Ltd. 告om resourωsc盯city thω职 land rent and price 也∞ry.
The 也ird section is the strategic environmental analysis on Meishan Feiyue Land Development Co.,Ltd. lt mainly introduces 也e prent situation of Feiyue Land Development Co.,Ltd and an ov臼view of the SWOT .1t also analyzes 也e companys internal strengths and weakness,external opportu
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