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论中职学生文学索养的炕养 论中职学生文学索养的炕养 中文摘要 本文针对中专语文教学中,对学尘精神文化建设的淡漠和人文素养的 培养的忽视而出现的中职生综合素质低下的现状,从文学素养培养的角 度,对中专语文进行了理论和实践上的探索。 提出:中职语文教育要把知识能力与素质融为)体的人才培养目标摆 在突出位置。尤其是中职尘人文素质的培养应予以高度关注。中专的语文 教学9 它给学生的绝不仅仅是工具?它更应该密切注视中职生的精神成长, 使中职生具奋较高的思想道德素质、文化素质及心理素质 F 肩负起提升中 职生综合素质这一特殊使命。基于这→点 s 本文从一直被忽略的中职生文 学素养的培养为切入点声从素质教育的角度赞从典范理论教育思想的深度, 从马克思主义关于人全面发展的学说到人本主义教育思想阐述了中职生 文学素养培养的依据?从而从三个维度论述了提高中职生文学素养培养的 语文教学策略,并在实践中进行了大胆的尝试,也探索了中职语文教师自 身与学坐文学素养培养的内在联系,从而提出:中职生文学素养的有效培 养是促进他们道德素质、文化素质、审美素质、心理素质等综合素质提高 的重要徐径步是促进中职生全面和谐发展的必要步骤。因此 F 中职语文教 育强化学生文学素养的有效培养是十分必要的?也是迫在眉睫的。 关键词 z 中等职业教育 中职生 文学素养 论中职学生文学 论中职学生文学 索 养的培养 Abstract At present culture and humane studies in vocational high school are not paid enough attention which leads to students) poor accomplishment on them. Basing its discussion on such a fact,thìs paper researches in both theoηand practice how to cultivate vocational high school students culture and humane studies in 由e course of Chinese teaching. Arising of the problem : In vocational high school Chinese educating language knowledge and concerning accomplishrnent should be paid equal attention . Especially the accomplishment in hwnane studies. In vocational high school Chinese teaching,students should not only be taught how to use the language as a tool,but be concemed in mental development,of which the latter insures students high qualities in moral ,culture and psychology and prepare itself for the special task of cultivating vocational、high school students general accomplislunent. Basing its interest in such a case,the ignorance of cultivating vocational high school students literature accomplishment ,the paper presents Chinese teaching as the beginning to cultivate vocational high school students literature accomplishment in 3 respects ,and its practical use,under the concerning educating theories of Marχ s and humanism. Also,it states the relationshìp between teachers literature accomplishment and their cultivating students. A conc1usion i



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