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摘要 诞生于 20 世纪 30 年代的《老百姓》报是当时西北地区力抗战求进步的优 秀报刊之…。本文主要采用文本分析的方法,通过阅读原始资料、查阅相关学术 资料,从报纸创办的时代背景、创办人、报纸的内容和专栏专号、报纸的大众化 表现形式、报纸与群众的互动等五个方面,全面系统地再现该报风貌。总结了报 纸在内容、表现形式、与群众互动等方面的大众化的特色和实践经验,以期对当 今报纸改革发展有所启发。本文的创新之处在于,在对报纸原始资料的认真研读 和分析整理的基础上,对《老百姓》报以抗战和服务为主的内容进行了详细分类 阐述,列举大最实例对其传统传播形式,尤其是民间传播形式和通俗易懂的语言 风格进行了论述,逐一总结了报纸与群众的密切互动经验,努力挖掘其独特的文 化价值和历史意义,全面展现其从群众中来,到群众中去的办报理念和实践 经验,力求使读者详尽、究黯而深入地了解这份历史抗战名报的特色,并液取有 益经珑,为当前传媒事业的发展服务。 关键词: 老百姓》报 大众化 李敷仁 内容句形式 互动 On the Lao Baixing Newspaper and the Practice of Popularization Abstract Lao Baixing Newspaper was bom in the 1930s. It was an outstanding present of the progress presses in the northwest region ,which persisted in resisting against with Japanese intrusion. Through the analyzing of its text,raw data reading ,and relevant academic information collecting,five areas of the Lao Baixing Newspaper were researched in this paper ,which includes the background ,the founder,the contents and column,the popularization fo口n,the interaction between newspaper and readers. In this paper ,a comprehensive and systematic reproduction of the newspaper was made,the features of popularization and valuable experiences in contents,forms,interactions were summed up,too. The author 问ring to provide some valuable advices to todays newspapers reveal ,reform,and developmen t. The innovation of this paper is,on the basis of the original information reading and analyzing,the contents of Anti-Japanese War and mass services were detailed analyzed,and it also focused on the newspapers traditional folk artS form and accessibly language style by examples taking. The experiences of how to interact closely with the readers were summed up one by one,and the newspapers unique cultural values and historical significant were mined , too. A systematical display of the philosophy and the running the newspaper ,which is 仕om the masses,to the masses was made in this thesis,the paper tried to help the readers understand Lao Baix



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