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Research Research on the mechan i sm of emp I oyment and tra i I"1 i ng of I and I ess farmers Abstract Landless farmers are the inevitable products of urbanization and with its rapid process in china,more and more farmers are losing their land and the problems related to landless farmers come out accordingly.As the key issue of landless farmer problems,employment can not only bring social benefits by maintaining society stability and promoting national economy development,but also produce microeconomic benefits by increasing the income of landless farmers.The crucial issue for solving the employment problem of landless farmers iS tO make them have some competition advantages in the current labor market.However,the reality iS that the human capital of China’S landless farmers iS extremely low,mainly focused on low education degree,lack of labor skills,old concepts and poor ability to adapt new environment.With the transformation of economic growth mode from extensive to intensive and gradually increasing contribution of human capital to economic growth,this iS conflicted to the increasing social demands for high.quality labor force.Therefore,to ensure the employment of landless farmers,it is extremely important to improve their labor skills and update their concepts by theinvestment for human capital of landless farmers.Through introducing the situation Of landless farmers’employment,From the perspective of human capital investment,the factors limiting the employment of landless farmers are analyzed,Using the experiences of oversea peasants’employment training for reference,it discusses the targets, principles,modes and methods of peasants’employment education and training.A Chinese characteristic education and training system of peasants’employment is designed at last. Key d s:landless farmer employment and training Mechanism 西北大学学位论文知识产权声明书本人完全了解西北大学关于收集、保存、使用学血论文的规定。 西北大学学位论文知识产权声明书 本人完全了解西北大学关于收集、保存、使用学血论文的规定。 学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版’。‘ 本人允许论文被查阅和


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