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英语户外活动教案大全 篇一:2014年英语户外课教学计划 2014年多乐英语户外课教学计划 一、在学校门口集合,强调安全须知,为各班级编号,练习户外课口号,排队出发 为班级编号:三年级:class 1 四年级:class 2 五年级:class 3 六七年级:class 4 Our slogans :What can you see on its head? eyes, nose, mouth, ears, beard(胡须), horn (角),tongue Let me hear which team wants to get it? (二)Warm up –let it go (三)单词教学—国家 CountryAmerica Canada EnglandKorea GermanyFranceAustralia China Japan Italy Norway India RussiaDenmark Plane: Now I make the card into a plane. If the plane flies high, you must read the word aloud. If it flies low, you must be quiet. Jump and Say:Today we will learn some names of the countries and play games with our parents together. Are you happy? I have witten down a lot of names. Now tell me which country it is?(ask 1 by 1) OK! Let’s play this game called “Don’t move!”. When I say “Don’t move!”, your body must keep still, If you move on, I will punish you. Then you have to jump up , hit my card with your head and read out this word loudly. (四)游戏环节 ① You’re divided into team A and team B ,15 pairs of each group. Drawing lots to determine the order of starting, such as A3, B7... There are three steps. First need to turn ten laps hula hoop and read the words 10 times, the parents and the children’s feet tied up and go towards to the place with the balloons which are full of words on them, select one ,and they must be back-to-back to carry it back to the starting point and put them into their own box. Then the next pair does the same. ② 句子 T or F (六)游戏环节时需要孩子做出判断的问题: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 结束语:You all did a good job today. Everyone has learned a lot in such a short time and enjoyed yourselves. Are you happy? Join us quickly and stuty with us, then you will get more. We’re waiting for you. See you next time! (五)唱感恩的心前奏时孩子们带感情的朗诵: MTHANKSFUL HEART GRATEFUL TO YOU 感恩的心,感谢有你,感谢今天到场的每一位家长,感谢你们 篇三:户外活动安全教案 户外活动安全教案 ——放风筝 活动目标 1、了解放风筝中可能


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