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哈尔滨工业大学本科毕业论文(设计) PAGE II - - - PAGE 33 - 汽车防抱死制动系统模糊控制器仿真研究 摘 要 在汽车动力学的研究中,对研究对象进行数学建模,并在此基础上进行仿真分析,是进行汽车性能研究的一种有效方法。以轿车为研究对象,建立ABS数学模型,采用MATLAB/SIMULINK仿真软件,取车轮的滑移率为控制对象,对ABS进行仿真。 利用图形建模和仿真的方法进行车辆动力学控制系统的开发,是目前汽车界研究的热门。本文应用这种方法,在SIMULLINK中建立了单轮车辆模型,同时运用模糊理论设计了ABS模糊控制器和最佳滑移率推定器,并将它们嵌入到单轮车辆模型中,组成一个闭环的、独立的ABS系统,进行仿真计算与分析。 解决问题的关键是确定ABS模糊控制器的输入、输出量的隶属函数,以及模糊推理规则。通过对装有ABS模糊控制器和最佳滑移率推定器与只装有ABS开关控制器的中型卡车模型,在干混凝土、湿沥青、雪地和冰地等四种路面上仿真结果的比较,证明该系统是有效的,没有出现抱死现象。经过ABS模糊控制器的作用,能将滑移率控制在最佳滑移率处。 本文提出了一种基于车轮滑移率的防抱死模糊控制方法。以某车型为例,建立了制动过程的整车模型、车轮模型、制动器模型和轮胎模型,并对这种基于滑移率的模糊防抱死控制方法进行了计算机仿真研究。仿真结果表明,该模糊控制方法能够达到理想的制动控制效果,同时具有较强的鲁棒性。 关键词: 防抱死,滑移率, 模糊控制, MATLAB/SIMULINK,仿真 Simulation for Slip Ratio of an Automobile Antilock-braking System Based on Fuzzy Logic Control Method Abstract Mathematical modeling and its simulation is an effective method to study a vehicle performance.This paper.using sedan and the establishment of a mathematical model of ABS using MATLAB/SIMULINK software,from the angular acceleration and wheel slip ratio targets for the control studies the ABS by simulation.The simulation results shows that the ABS mathematical model is reliable and has better control for braking effect. The emphasis of the study in this paper is the design of the ABS fuzzy controller and the inferential device of the optimum slip rate. ABS fuzzy controller fuzz the error of the slip ratio and its variability ,then regard them as input variable, their output are regard as made as control variable of the actor. After being fuzzed inversely the input of the inferential device of the optimum slip rate are the pressure of the brake valve, wheel velocity and the wheel velocity vary rate after being fuzzed. The output after being fuzzed inversely are integrated, and then are add with reference slip ratio, to obtain optimum slip rate. The key of the problem is to determine the subordinate function of the input and output of the inferential device of the optimum slip rate and the fuzzy reasoning rules.



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