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PAGE 1 JIU 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目 小型餐饮企业订餐管理系统的设计 ——与实现 英文题目 Small Catering Enterprises Roscoe Management System Design And Implementation 院 系 信息科学与技术学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 姓 名 闫国龙 班级学号 A071239 指导教师 周友学 二○一一年五月 信息科学与技术学院学士学位论文 信息科学与技术学院学士学位论文 PAGE III 摘 要 现如今,电子商务已成为一种新型的商务模式,它的高效率,低成本和跨时空的优势是统的商务模式无法比拟的。电子商务将帮助传统的产业找寻新的发展机遇,实现由传统的经济模式向网络经济模式转变,实现我国的信息基础设施和商业交易方式从目前的基本层次想更高层次的转变。 传统的餐饮模式已经跟不上现代经济的发展,所以,新的餐饮模式必将取代传统的餐饮模式,基于网络的订餐系统应运而生。 系统主要是为了能够方便用户足不出户通过网络直接实行订餐,摒弃了传统的电话订餐不能够直观了解所定菜品的一些落后的方式。本系统主要有会员留言模块,用户登录模块,订餐模块,后台管理模块,商品查询模块。用户通过注册登录我们的网站,根据网站上的提示进行订餐,管理员通过后台进行订餐管理、确认,最后送货上门。充分体现了客户至上的原则,方便广大客户通过网站浏览商品进行订餐。 关键词:电子商务,订餐,订餐管理 Abstract Nowadays,E-commerce has become a new business model,its high efficiency, low costs ,cross space and time advantage has become the traditional business model and incomparable .Electronic business affairs will help the traditional industry looking for new development opportunity,From the traditional economic mode realized to the network economy pattern changes ,China to realize the information infrastructure and commercial transaction mode from the present basic level to the higher levels of transformation . The traditional catering model already cant keep up with the development of modern economy ,so, a new restaurant mode will replace traditional catering mode,based on the network operating system born roscoe. This system is mainly to users never leave home through the network directly execute booking meal . Rejected traditional telephone roscoe cant intuitive understanding of the appointed the way some poor food. This system mainly have member message module , user login module , roscoe module, administrator module , commodity inquires the module . The user through registered login to our website , According to the websites tip for booking meal, Administrator th


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