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Oracle Applications Release Notes Release 11.5.9
Part Number B10845-01
Oracle® Applications
Release Notes
Release 11i ( 11.5.9)
Revised: 18 March 2004
Part No. B10845-01
These release notes apply to all Oracle Applications customers who are
installing or upgrading to Oracle Applications Release 11i. Along with
the platform-specific Installation Update Notes and the Oracle
Applications NLS Release Notes, these notes may be updated on a weekly
basis. Check OracleMetaLink for the most current copy before you begin
to install or upgrade.
Use the following table to determine which sections of these release notes
apply to your situation.
If you are... Refer to these sections...
Installing Oracle Notes for All Customers, Notes for New Installation
Applications Customers, Documentation Errata, Known Product
Release 11i for the Issues, Desktop Client Certification, and
first time Documentation Accessibility. Then, follow the
instructions in Installing Oracle Applications.
Upgrading from Notes for All Customers, Notes for Release 10.7 or
Release 10.7 or 11.0 11.0 Upgrade Customers, Documentation Errata, Known
to Release 11i Product Issues, Desktop Client Certification, and
Documentation Accessibility. Then, follow the
instructions in Upgrading Oracle Applications.
Upgrading from an Documentation Errata, Known Product Issues, Desktop
earlier version of Client Certification, and Documentation
Release 11i Accessibility. Then, follow the instructions in the
Oracle Applications Release 11.5.9 Maintenance Pack
Installation Instructions.
Notes for All Customers
Read the Installation Update Notes for your platform before starting an
installation or upgrade.
Current Version of Rapid
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