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社区中老年人骨质疏松知识知晓率调查 研究 张杰 强保红 王伟马震周晓武 李帅 深圳市龙岗区第五人民医院(平湖医院) : 口的了解社区屮老年人骨质疏松相关知识的知晓情况,为开展相关的健康促进 活动提供参考依据。方法基于自行设计的问卷,对社区470名40岁以上中老年 人进行面对面调查。调查的主要内容包括社会人口学特征、健康状况、骨质疏松 相关知识知晓情况等。使用SPSS 18.0软件进行描述性统计分析。结果调查对 象对“骨质疏松累及人群主要为老年人”“骨质疏松易致身高变矮”“钙和维 生素D是骨质疏松的主要治疗药物”等内容的知晓率较高,分别是78. 1%. 61. 7%. 50. 2%;对“骨质疏松易至骨痛”“居家安全能预防骨质疏松患者意外骨 折” “运动能预防骨质疏松”等内容的知晓率较低,分别为23. 3%. 28. 9%. 28. 7%o结论社区中老年人骨质疏松相关知识的知晓率有待提高,应开展有效的 健康促进活动,提高社区居民骨质疏松的预防意识,以降低骨质疏松发病率。 关键词: 中老年人;骨质疏松;知晓率; :2017-02-06 基金:广东省自然科学基金项目(530076506021222) Investigation on the Awareness of Osteoporosis Related Knowledge of Middle Aged and Aged People in Community ZHANG Jie QIANG Baohong WANG Wei Fifth Peoples Hospital of Longgang Distriet, Shenzhen; Abstract: Objec ti ves To investiga te the awareness of osteoporosis re la ted knowledge of the elderly in order to provide a reference basis for health promotion of osteoporosis. Methods We conducted face-to-face survey of 470 community people aged 40 or above based on self-designed questionnaire. The main contcnt of the investigation included social demographic charactcristics, health status,knowledge about osteoporosis, etc. Descriptive stastical analyses were perfomed with SPSS 18. 0. Results Participants awareness rates ofzzosteoporosis mainly affects the elderly osteoporosis is apt to resuIt in shorter height〃 andz/calcium and vitamin D is the main trcatment drugs of osteoporosis^ were higher, 78. 1%, 61. 7%, and 78. l%respectively. Their awareness rates of ^osteoporosis is apt to result in bone pain, 〃 home safety can prevent fracture of osteoporosis patients〃 and^exercise can prevent osteoporosis^ were lower, 23. 3%, 28. 9% and 23.3% respectively. Conclusions The community elderly s awareness of ostcoporosis rclated knowlcdgc is needed to be improved. Effcctivc hcalth promotion activities should be carried out to improve prevention awareness of osteoporosis for community residents and reduce the incidence of osteoporosis. Keyword: Middle aged and aged people; Osteoporo


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