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1·60 · Chin J Nosocomiol Vol. 13 No. 2 2003 ·论  著· 浅谈医院合理用药的管理 李世娟 , 辛苏宁 , 孙丽萍 (解放军 401 医院 , 山东 青岛 266071) 摘要 : 目的  探讨现代医院采取的合理用药综合管理措施 ,如何以有效的管理方法 ,优质低价 ,达到最佳治疗效 果。方法  药物经济学理念 ,建立完善的用药咨询网络 ,专家参与指导 ,药剂师深入临床 ,加强在职人员药理知识 培训。结果  医院合理用药管理是全方位的工作 ,调动各方面因素积极加入 ,密切配合 ,才能使临床用药科学合 理。结论  专家参与 ,完善的网络咨询 ,药物经济学与临床治疗相结合 , 以较完善的医院合理用药管理手段,达到 最合理的用药目的。 关键词 : 合理用药 ; 药物经济学 ; 管理措施 中图分类号: R978. 1   文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : (2003) Exploration the Strategy of Comprehensive Administration on the Rational Use of Drug in Hospital L I Shijuan , XIN Suning , SUN Liping ( ) The 401 st Hospital of PL A , Qingdao 266071 , China Abstract : OBJECTIVE To explore the general administrative method of rational drug utilization in hospital at present. Effective administrative methods and low price of high quality were used to achieve the best treatment. METHODS To introduce the concept of drug economics , and establish the perfect network of drug consumption. The expert took part in the guidance and the pharmacist went deep into clinic. The training of pharmacologic knowledge to inservice medical personnel was strengthened. RESULTS The administration of rational utilization of drug in hospital is a universal work , all understructure should participate actively and cooperate closely so that the utilization of drug in clinic was scientific and rational. CONCL USIONS The aim of the most rational drug consumption was achieved through the following ways : the expert taking part in , the establishment of the perfe


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