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degree number of connections denoted by size closeness length of shortest path to all others denoted by color how closely do degree and betweenness correspond to closeness? * Closeness centrality Values tend to span a rather small dynamic range typical distance increases logarithmically with network size In a typical network the closeness centrality C might span a factor of five or less It is difficult to distinguish between central and less central vertices a small change in network might considerably affect the centrality order Alternative computations exist but they have their own problems * Influence range The influence range of i is the set of vertices who are reachable from the node i * Extensions of undirected closeness centrality closeness centrality usually implies all paths should lead to you paths should lead from you to everywhere else usually consider only vertices from which the node i in question can be reached * Lecture 5: Network centrality Slides are modified from Lada Adamic 太原房产网 Measures and Metrics Knowing the structure of a network, we can calculate various useful quantities or measures that capture particular features of the network topology. basis of most of such measures are from social network analysis So far, Degree distribution, Average path length, Density Centrality Degree, Eigenvector, Katz, PageRank, Hubs, Closeness, Betweenness, …. Several other graph metrics Clustering coefficient, Assortativity, Modularity, … * Characterizing networks: Who is most central? ? ? ? * network centrality Which nodes are most ‘central’? Definition of ‘central’ varies by context/purpose Local measure: degree Relative to rest of network: closeness, betweenness, eigenvector (Bonacich power centrality), Katz, PageRank, … How evenly is centrality distributed among nodes? Centralization, hubs and autthorities, … * centrality: who’s important based on their network position indegree In each of the following networks, X has higher centrality t


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