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《看听学》L1课堂笔记与必掌握:(2.28) 必会背写单词:meet and this is class her teacher Mr 语法:形物代“谁的”(8个)my your his her its our your their (要求会认读、背写) 句型: 介绍:This is +人名。 +a/an+名词。元an辅a +形物代+名词。 Eg. This is Sandy. This is an apple. This is my teacher. 《看听学》L1课堂笔记与必掌握:(3.7) 必会背写单词:pen pencil book schoolbag rubber 知识点: 1(新补充)介绍 This is +形物代/所有格+名词。 (人名+’s) Eg. This is my pen. This is Sue’s class. 2名词编号:名词+数字(名词和数字开头字母分别大写。) Eg. Class One 3Mr用法:Mr+姓氏(男) 语法: 1主格“谁”(8个)I you he she it we you they(要求会认读) 2be动词用法(顺口溜) 句型:Meet Sandy and Sue. This is Sue’s class. Her teacher’s Mr Crisp. (3句话要求会背!) 《看听学》L1课堂笔记与必掌握:(3.14) 1. 必会背写单词(L1-L2):meet and this is class her teacher Mr which your pen the red sir here you are thank blue green brown book pencil rubber schoolbag 2. 知识点: 1the+名词 元/ei:/辅/e?/ 2Mr与sir区别:Mr+姓氏(男) sir单独用 3. 语法: 1主格“谁”(8个)I you he she it we you they(要求会背写) 2主格与be动词缩合:I am=I’m you are=you’re he is=he’s she is=she’s it is=it’s we are=we’re they are=they’re 句型:Meet Sandy and Sue. This is Sue’s class. Her teacher’s Mr Crisp. Which is your pen, Sue? The red pen, sir.(5句话要求会背!) 《看听学》L1课堂笔记与必掌握:(3.21) 必会背写单词(L1-L2):meet and this is class her teacher Mr which your pen the red sir here you are thank blue green brown book pencil rubber schoolbag 知识点:名词前的“帽子” a/an(任意一个,元an辅a) the(特指“这个/这些”,元/ei:/辅/e?/) +n.(名词) 形物代 所有格(人名+’s) 3. 语法: 1主格“谁”(8个)I you he she it we you they(要求会背写) 2主格与be动词缩合:I am=I’m you are=you’re he is=he’s she is=she’s it is=it’s we are=we’re they are=they’re 3形物代“谁的”(8个)my your his her its our your their(要求会背写) 句型:要求背诵表演L1全篇课文。 《看听学》L3课堂笔记与必掌握:(3.28) 必会背写单词(L3-L4):his Miss whose cap it 语法:复习L1-2课所有语法 主格;be动词;形物代 句型:问物品主人两种方式 Whose is this ? is this? This is Sandy’s class. His teacher’s Miss Williams.


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