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* 研究原则和方法 * 研究原则和方法 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 相关参考文献 Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. By David L. Sackett, et al. The principle textbook of EBM, a must read. Clinical epidemiology: a basic science for clinical medicine. By David L. Sackett, et al. A classic book of clinical epidemiology. Before you design any clinical research, read it first. 相关参考文献 The patient history: Evidence-based approach. By Lawrence Tierny, et al. The best textbook of history taking, fun for reading 相关参考文献 The rational clinical examination. By David L. Simel, et al. A pool of systemic review of PE as a diagnostic tool. 相关参考文献 Evidence-based physical diagnosis. By Stephen McGee. A completely new way to describe diagnostic value of PE, very impressive. 相关参考文献 相关参考文献 1. 细节决定诊断. 中华全科医师杂志, 2009, 8:734 2. 物理诊断过时了吗? 中华内科杂志, 2009, 48:533 3. 我们为什么会误诊? 中华内科杂志, 2009, 48:987 4. 临床思维精粹.中华全科医师杂志, 2010, 9:34 5. 大内科临床思维在消化疾病中的应用.中华全科医师杂志, 2010, 9:441 6. 询问病史.中华全科医师杂志, 2010, 9:331 7. 什么是循证物理诊断学.中华全科医师杂志, 2010, 9:420 8. 浅析物理诊断的科研工作.中华全科医师杂志, 2011, 10:11 9. 浅析物理诊断学教学改革.中华全科医师杂志, 2011, 10:247 10. 临床思维的陷阱.中华全科医师杂志, 2011, 10:559 11. 物理诊断学的循证之路.中华全科医师杂志, 2012, 11:1 总结 在高新技术时代物理诊断学仍然非常重要。 科学的临床思维方法是医疗最重要的武器。 提高临床思维只有在实践中磨练、提高、成长。 谢 谢! * * * The most famous medical painting in the world is probably Sir Luke Fildes THE DOCTOR. Fildes was inspired by the physician who attended his first born son,? Philip, who, despite the doctors efforts, died on Christmas Eve, 1877.? When Fildes was later commissioned to produce a new work, he chose to portray the doctor in our time.? THE DOCTOR captured the public imagination. Volumes have been written on what the painting means. To Fildes it was about hope: the light coming through the window was for him the hope that comes with dawn.? To others the painting suggested that character and virtue are as important as knowledge and skills


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