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某淀粉厂污水处理工艺课程设计说明书 ----------大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:某淀粉厂废水处理工艺设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 班 级: 指导教师: 摘要 在我国主要的工业污水排放中,高浓度有机废水占据了很大比例。而在排放高浓度有机废水中的行业中,淀粉工业产生的废水是其中的大户;淀粉工业废水具有有机物含量高,可生化性好的特点,其COD含量一般在在2000~20000mg/l之间。本设计所处理的某淀粉厂废水水质为:COD 10000mg/l, BOD 4800mg/l, SS 2500mg/l;出水要求达到《淀粉工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 25461-2010),即 COD 100mg/l, BOD 20mg/l, SS 30mg/l;达到去除率 COD 99%,BOD 99.58%,SS 98.8%。 本文对该淀粉厂产生的高浓度有机废水的处理工艺进行了详细分析与对比。在废水从工厂排出后,经格栅过滤,泵房提升后,进入调节沉淀池调节水质水量,再由厌氧工艺UASB处理,通过辐流式沉淀池和好氧工艺SBR,最后排出;如此经厌好氧两级处理,达到国家规定排放标准。本设计厌氧段选取了UASB工艺,好样段小选取SBR工艺,这俩种工艺具有规模小,处理效率高,非常适合工厂废水的处理等优点,UASB工艺在除去废水中污染物的同时,厌氧菌分解有机物的同时产生沼气,可以解决工厂的一部分能源需求,环保经济性俱佳。 本设计选用工艺具有处理效率高、占地少、经济实用、技术成熟可靠的优点:其运行自动化程度高,节省人力,处理能力稳定,适合于流量较小的工业废水处理。其经济社会效益显著。 关键词:淀粉工业;废水;UASB ;SBR ;COD ;BOD Abstract This design is about the starch industry wastewater treatment; in Chinas major industrial discharges, the high concentration organic wastewater accounted for a large proportion. In the discharge of high concentration organic wastewater industry, starch industry wastewater generated is one of the big; starch industry wastewater with high organic content, and good biodegradability, the COD content is generally at 2000 ~ 20000mg / l betweenThe design process of a starch factory wastewater its main components: COD 1000mg / l, BOD 4800mg / l, SS 2500mg / l; effluent can meet the national standard GB 25461-2010, namely COD 100mg / l, BOD 20mg / l, SS30mg / l; removal of COD 99%, BOD 99.58%, SS 98.8%. This paper, the starch factory produces a high concentration organic wastewater treatment process is analyzed in detail and contrast. In the wastewater discharged from the factory, after grid filter, pump increased, the sedimentation tank into the regulator regulate water quality and quantity, and then by the anaerobic process UASB processed through radial flow sedimentation tanks and aerobic process SBR, final discharge; so by tired of aerobic two treatment meet the national emission standards. The selected de


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