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口内进路改良下颌升支矢状劈开矫治偏颌畸形临床应用与 分析 安徽医科大学第三附属医院口腔科,合肥,230061; ?安徽皖南医学院附属口腔医院,芜湖,241000 【摘要】冃的探讨面部下份不对称畸形的临床矫治方法,提高临床治疗下颌骨 偏颌畸形的疗效。 方法 收集2012.7-2016.1期间7例成人下颌骨偏颌畸形病 例,通过口内进路下颌骨升支矢状劈开改良手术矫治,总结临床治疗效果。 结 果 术后随访2个月??36个月,6例患者偏颌畸形得到明显矫形,咬合恢复,张 闭口功能正常,下颌骨截骨区愈合良好,口内创口均一期愈合,无严重下牙槽神 经损伤症状并发症。1例因术前正畸未做术后咬合不佳,经术后正畸治疗咬合恢 复正常。 结论 通过口内切口下颌骨升支矢状劈开改良手术矫治下颌骨偏颌 畸形疗效明显,手术创伤小,恢复正常咬合, 【关键词】下颌骨;偏颌畸形;矢状劈开;术后正畸 The clincal analysis and observation ofsagittal split ramus osteotomy improving surgical treatment for partial micromaxillary deformity inside the mouth Chen Xiaoyang ,Chen Chuanjun,Wang Junmin Deprtment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,the Third Affiliated Hospital,Anhui Medical Univercity,Hefei 230061,China [Abstract] Objective To discuss the clinical therapeutic method of mandibular asymmetry deformity,To improve the clinical treatment. Methods From June2012 to January 2016, Clinical data of 5 cases with mandibular asymmetry deformity were reviewed,the patients underwent sagittal split ramus osteotomy surgical treatment in side the mouth.,a nd the treatment efficie ncy was summarized.Results 2-36 months after operation,6 casesrsquo;wounds were healed by fist intension, partial micromaxillary deformity were obviously cured? occlusal restoration, a silent function is normal.the mandible osteotomy area healed well, no serious complication of inferior alveolar nerve injury symptoms. 1 casersquo; bite is bad becase his preoperative orthod on tics did not work, had n ormal occlusi on after orthod ontic treatment.Conclusion Through the operation of sagittal split ramus osteotomy inside the mouth ,Patial correction mandibular jaw malformation apparent effect. Operation scar is little, restore normal occlusion. [Key words] Mandible; partial jaw deformity; sagittal split; postoperative orthod on tics 随着人们生活水平的不断提升,容貌美的重要性不言而喻,尤其是 颌面部对称及轮廓标记更是首当其冲。这里探讨一面下1/3的常见畸形一下颌不 对称畸形的临床矫治方法。笔者收集5例病例(2012—2016)资料,均是成人下 颌偏斜畸形伴咬合错乱,釆用口内进路改良下颌骨升支矢状劈开矫治畸形临床治 疗效果明显,手术并发症较少,有立杆见影之功效,现总结如下:1资料和方法 1.1 —般资料本组共7例患者,男性


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