基于可压缩的硅光电子材料的半球形电子照相机 (2).ppt

基于可压缩的硅光电子材料的半球形电子照相机 (2).ppt

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A hemispherical electronic eye camera based on compressible silicon optoelectronics;Author Contributions;Abstract;Was it difficult?/yes;Was it useful?/yes;How to solve the problem?;A transfer element fabricated(构造) in PDMS (硅氧烷 )by casting(铸造) and curing(固定) against an appropriately designed template. Stretching in the radial(辐射状的) direction forms a flat drumhead(鼓膜) membrane in which all points in the PDMS are in tension. Lifting a prefabricated(预制) focal plane array and associated electronics from a source wafer onto the surface of this drumhead (thin narrow compressible line);allowing the PDMS to relax back to its initial (初始)shape, transforms the planar device layout into a hemispherical(半球形的) shape This process allows the planar-to-spherical geometrical transformation to be accomplished without creating substantial (牢固的)strains in any of the active components of the focal plane array. (3)Glass lens(晶体,透镜) substrate(基础底片)。Adhesive(粘稠的);2.Design and electrical properties;Main frame;3.Photographs of a hemispherical electronic eye camera and representative output images;Representative output images;4.Enhanced imaging in hemispherical cameras in comparison with planar camers;Ray tracing(成像) predictions;;Advantages High quality Uniformity(无差异) of the pixels(像素) in the array(阵列).?;The end


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