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《海南医学》2012 年第23 卷第6 期 HAINAN MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol.23 No.6 March 2012 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2012.06.039 ·医技与临床· 联合运用超声多项技术评价下肢静脉血栓的价值 林 凌,杨炳昂,唐海霞,王 超,王东林 (海南省人民医院超声科,海南 海口 570311) 【摘要】 目的 探讨联合运用超声多项技术在评价下肢静脉血栓中的应用价值。方法 应用超声多项技 术同时检查269 例下肢深静脉血栓患者的下肢深静脉、腹部和盆腔脏器、超声心动图,分析血栓形成与身体其 他疾病的关系。结果 269 例下肢深静脉血栓213 例发生于左侧,50 例发生于右侧,6 例发生于双侧。最常见的 并发症为脑血管意外、外科手术后和恶性肿瘤。联合运用多项超声技术可发现57 例并发症的直接或间接征 象。结论 下肢深静脉血栓的首选和确诊手段为彩色多普勒超声,同时联合运用超声多项技术可为寻找相关病 因、指导治疗和判断预后提供有力依据。 【关键词】 静脉血栓;下肢;超声 【中图分类号】 R543.6 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】 1003—6350(2012 )06—084—03 Value of combined use of ultrasound technologies in the evaluation of deep vein thrombosis in lower extremity. LIN Ling, YANG Bing-ang, TANG Hai-xia, WANG Chao, WANG Dong-lin. Department of Ultrasound, People ’s Hospital of Hainan Province, Haikou 570311, Hainan, CHINA 【Abstract 】 Objective To investigate the application value of the combined use of ultrasound technologies in evaluation of deep vein thrombosis in lower extremity. Methods By combined use of ultrasound technologies, 269 pa- tients with deep vein thrombosis in lower extremity were detected for deep vein, abdominal and pelvic organs, echocar- diography. The relationship between thrombus formation and other physical diseases were analyzed. Results Of the 269 patients, 213 cases had thrombosis occurred in the left side, 50 cases had thrombosis occurred in the right side, and six cases had thrombosis occurred in both left and right sides. The most common complications included cerebral vascu- lar accident and malignant tumor. Combined use of ultrasound technologies can display the direct or indirect signs of complications (57 cases). Conclusion The preferred choice for the


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