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微创医学 2007 年 4 月第 2 卷第 2期 95 孙海宁 周 银 于秀淳 付志厚 步国强 ( 济南军区总医院骨病科, 济南市 250031) 50 , 50, 4~ 20 M acn ab, : 12, 29 , 6, 3 , 82% , 94% , , , , ; ; ; R 681. 52; R 454 A 2007 ) S tudy on coblation nucleop lasty in the treatm ent of p rolap se of lum bar in tervertebra l disc S UN H aining, ZH OU Yin, YU X iuchun, F U Zhihou, BU Guoqiang. (D ep artmen t of Orthop ed ic , GeneralH o p ital of J inan PLA, J inan 250031, China ) Ab stract Ob jective To exp lo e the ind ica tion, me thod and effect of coblation nuc leoplasty in the t ea tm en t of p olapse of lumba inte ve teb a l disc. M eth ods The clinica l da ta of 50 patients w ith p o lapse of lumba inte ve teb a l d isc w ho ece ived cob la tion nuc leop iasty we e ana ly zed. R esu lts A ll pa tients w e e fo llow ed up f om 4 m onths to 20 m onths. The effects w e e ex cellent in 12 patients, good in 29 pa tients, fa i in 6 patients, bad in 3 pa tients. T he cu e ate w as 82% , and the gene a l clin ica l effective ate w as 94% . N o comp lications o ccu ed. Con clu sion The coblation nu cleop lasty is a m inmi a lly inv as ive, effec tive, apid and safe p ocedu e fo p o lapse of lum ba inte ve teb al d isc. K ey w ord s P o lapse of lum ba inte ve teb al disc; Su ge y; Cob lation nucleop lasty , 10 cm , 1% , , 45!, C , X , A thoca e 2000 ( cob la tion nuc leop lasty), system C X , 4 2004 1 50, , , ; , , ; , 1 3 m in 5 mm , , 1. 1 一般资料 39, 11 21~ 52,


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