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* War and Peace 考好期末,笑傲高三 单词拼写 回顾短语 重点句子 短文填空 错题集锦 单词拼写 1. The lifeboat was sent out to r_______ sailors in time. 2.Two children d_______ after falling into the river. 3. He worked so hard that e__________ he was ill. 4. The child was found __________ (遗弃) but unharmed. 5. The tower stands on top of the mountain, ____________ (俯视) the villages in the valley. 6.Hes always q_______ stories from the Bible. 7. We surrounded the enemy and _________ (占领) the town before dark. 8. It didnt seem ___________(值得做的) writing it all out again. 9.He is the only s________of the plane crash. 10.We had a ___________(难忘的) trip last year. escue rowned ventually abandoned overlooking uoting occupied worthwhile urvivor memorable 词语翻译 1.向……宣战      _________________  2.取得重大突破(进展) ____________________ 3.停下车来让某人搭车;救起 __________ 4.缅怀失去的战友 ___________________________ 5.坐落于 __________________ 6.被卷入到;参与 _______________ 7.令某人惊讶的是 _______________________________ 8.使……保持形状 _______________ 9.摆桌子 ____________ 10.为……干杯 ___________ 11.作为回报 __________ 12.如果我没记错的话 ______________________ 13.对……感到惊讶 ___________________ 14.应该做某事 ______________________ 15.遭受失败 _______________ 16.使人们关注 _________________ 17.把……归功于 ________ 18.激励某人做某事 _____________________ 19.面临;面对 ______________ declare war on… make a breakthrough pick up remember the lost comrades be situated on/in be involved in to ones astonishment/surprise keep…in shape lay a table drink to… in return if I remember rightly wonder about/at… be supposed to do sth suffer defeats draw attention to owe…to inspire sb to do sth in the face of 完成句子 1.幸存者们躺在海滩上,又疲惫又震惊。 The survivors lay on the beach,_____________________. 2.幸存者们被附近村子的渔船救起。 The survivors _____________by fishing boats from nearby villages. 3.我太羞愧了,不好意思承认我太小还没有女朋友。 I _______________________that I was too young to have a g


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