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微表情 micro-expression —By lemon Whats Mirco-Expression ? A micro-expression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion. They usually occur in high stakes situations, where people have something to lose or gain. THE MICRO-EXPRESSION IS PSYCHOLOGY NOUNS 持续时间在1/25~1/5秒以内的表情是微表情 Ekman(1969) 持续时间1/2秒以内的表情都可以被称之为微 日本研究(2000) 微表情是一种持续时间仅为1/25秒至1/5秒的非常快速的表情,表达了人试图压抑与隐藏的真正情感。 吴奇 傅小兰 In our life,Micro-Expression everywhere is visible, but we often ignore it. Actually humans life with Micro-Expression“ is concerned, we can look through the implied by the psychological problems of better understanding others, such as personality preferences abhor etc. It can also increase the peoples integrity awareness, sincere to others, to understand other people, to promote the relationship between each other more harmonious, be helpful for social harmony. Have you seen American-TV 《lie to me》? 微表情识别训练的有效性因人而异 研究显示:不同的人群在微表情识别的能力上存在着差别。这种差异与人的认知能力,人格的开放程度,以及人对刺激的知觉加工速度有关。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Check your answer 1.羞愧 2.不屑 3.开心 4.悲伤 5.愤怒 6.厌恶 7.恐惧 8.自然 The voice and manner of speaking * * 微表情是人在试图隐藏或者控制某种情绪时不自觉地表现出来、且持续时间很短的一种面部表情。微表情通常会在人们经历得失、情势危急的时候出现。 micro-expression Unlike regular facial expressions, few can fake(假装) a microexpression. They consist of


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