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新外研版八年级下各模块短语及重点句 PAGE PAGE 1 Module 1 1.上去不错look nice 2看起来不错,闻起来香喷喷,吃起来很香 look lovely / smell delicious / taste good 3它闻起来不新鲜。 It doesn’t smell fresh 4闻起来气味太大,吃起来有点酸。 smell too strong / taste a bit sour 5尝起来很甜,里面很酥软。taste sweet / feel soft 6看起来很忙。look busy 7听上去不错。sound nice 8尝起来很甜。taste sweet 9每种东西都(尝起来)甜滋滋的 10.Everything tastes so sweet. 11多好闻的味道啊!What a delicious smell. 12你想来点尝尝吗?好的,谢谢。 Would you like to try some? Yes, please. 13恐怕……I’m afraid … 14…做好了sth. be done. 15尝尝吧. have a try 16做苹果馅饼. make an apple pie 17我喜欢甜食. I have a sweet tooth. 18可能是盐might be salt 19我的幸运日my lucky day 20因为(做)某事感谢某人 thanks for sth. / thanks for doing sth. 21做…太好了be great to do sth. 22收到…的来信hear from sb. 23迫不及待地做…can’t wait to do sth. 24到达机场arrive at the airport 25有着金色的短发with short fair hair 26你看起来很漂亮 you look very pretty 27互相;彼此each other 28告诉某人关于…tell sb. about sth. 29我俩的爱好非常相似 you sound just like me 30花许多时间做…spend a lot of time doing sth. 31古典音乐classical music 32也as well 33为…而感到骄傲be proud of… 34擅长(做)…be good at sth. / doing sth. 35在学校;上学at school 36考得不好/得高分get bad / good marks 37更加努力地学习work harder 38感到( 有点)难过/紧张/ feel ( a bit ) sad / nervous /sorry 39首先;一开始at first 40几天for a few days 41和陌生人在一起with strangers 42说汉语speak Chinese 43几天后in a few days 44知道如何做事know how to do things 45按照正确的方式in the right way 46害怕做…be afraid of doing sth. 47对…感到兴奋be excited about sth. Module 2 lots of许多 speaking competition / writing competition 演讲比赛/写作比赛 Good luck(祝你)好运 That’s a pity.太遗憾了 That sounds wonderful!(那)听起来真不错! enter a competition参加比赛 help you improve your speaking帮你提高口语水平 win a prize赢得奖项 / first prize 一等奖 go on a dream holiday梦想中的假期 stop doing sth.停止做… stop to do sth. 停下来去做… think about考虑;思考 other kinds of competitions其他种类的比赛 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买… make up虚构 / write about 编写;写作 invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做… afford to do…做…负担得起 a fifteen-year-old American boy一个15岁的美国男孩 at the moment现在,此时 one of the biggest and busiest cities最大最繁华的城市之一 work for a bi


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