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————郭沫若《咏泉州》 Introduction Quanzhou is located in the southeast of fujian and it is a famous overseas Chinese hometown, in recent years the economic development quickly, there are many do foreign trade companys and many manufacturers, especially sports shoes is very famous, such as Anta, Special step. Quanzhou shoes export accounts for half of the fujian shoes. At the same time it pleasant scenery and people here are all kind-hearted tourism is a good place. It’s city flower is erythrina(刺桐花). 泉州位于福建东南部,是著名的侨乡,近年来经济的快速发展,有很多做外贸公司和许多厂商,特别是运动鞋是非常有名的,如安踏,特步。泉州鞋类出口占福建鞋的一半。同时,风景宜人,民风淳朴,是旅游观光的好地方。 The tourist attractions of Quanzhou There are many beautiful scenerys in Quanzhou. Especially the 18 most beautiful scenerys ,they are all significant. 郑成功史迹? The? Historical Sites of? Zheng Chenggong? ?The historical sites of Zheng Chenggong are scattered in his hometown Nan’an. They are the Memorial Temple of Yanping Junwang, Zheng Chenggong Museum and the Forest of Steles and the Cemetery of Zheng Chonggong at Shuitou Town of Nan’an. 郑成功史迹分布在民族英雄郑成功的家乡南安,包括位于石井镇的延平故郡王祠、郑成功纪念馆--碑林和水头镇的郑成功陵园。 仙公山? Mt. Xiangongshan Mt. Xiangongshan also called “Mt. shuangjishan” is located at Majia Township, Luojiang District, named after the practice of offering sacrifices to “The Nine Celestial Beings with the Surname He”.? ?It was once reputed as “It is matchless in Bamin(Fujian); the Nine Celestial Beings Appear on Top of? Penglai”. It is a provincial scenic spot and one of the ten best scenic spots in Quanzhou. 原名“双髻山”,位于洛江区马甲镇,由南北朝时(480—502年)祀“何氏九仙”而得名。有“八闽名胜无双境,绝顶蓬莱显九仙”之美誉,为省级风景名胜区和首届泉州市十佳风景名胜区。 黄金海岸? The Golden Seashore At present the main items and facilities of the Holiday Village are: the Gold? Sand Amusement park, the Submarine World, the Dolphinarium, the Buddhist Empire between the Heaven and the Sea, the Buddhisattva treading the water, the Yacht Club, the Post and Telecommunication Guest House, the Marine Hotel, the Education Training Center, etc.? 目前度


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