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The stairs leading home were covered in rocks. Sari took a moment to pick them all up as she walked. so no one would trip and fall. 回家的台阶上有一些石头。莎莉花了点时间,一边走一边把他们捡起来, 这样其他人就不会被绊倒了。 She came to a bridge that was snapped in two, 她来到一座断成两截的桥前, and a herd of wild blue goats which we all know are very dangerous unless someone knows how to herd them onto a pointy mountain top. 一群野生的蓝山羊处境非常危险,除非有人知道怎么能把它们赶到山顶 上。 Sari didnt even have to think. She knew exactly what to do—fixed the bridge, herded the goats, piled the rocks out of the way in a safe place and was safely in bed in no time at all, fast asleep and dreaming about English. 莎莉想都没想,她明确的知道自己要做什么——修桥,赶山羊,清理路 上的石头堆到一个安全的地方去,然后马上安全的跑回家躺倒床上,睡 着,做一个关于英语的梦。 How did she do it? 她是怎么做到的? If you are lucky maybe the invisible alligators will visit you tonight and cause trouble for you. 如果你足够幸运的话,这些看不见的小鳄鱼晚上也会来拜访你,并且给你制造一些小麻烦哦。 THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 可编辑 可编辑 Invisible Alligators (看不见的小鳄鱼) A young monkey named Sari woke up one morning and knew there was trouble. 一天早上,一个名叫莎莉的小猴子一醒来,她就意识到出问题了。 She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it. 她腾的从床上跳下来,发现城堡的桥,在夜里断了。 那可是她最喜欢的 城堡啊,她怎么也修不好它。 Then she found her stairs covered in toys. She tripped on one and had to pick them all up. 接着她发现楼梯上摆满了玩具。她不小心被一个玩具给绊倒了,不得不 把它们全部捡起来。 Then she couldnt ride her llama to school because the whole herd was running loose. It took her six tries to get them onto a pointy rock so they would calm down and quit trying to eat her homework. 而且她也不能骑骆驼去学校了,因为骆驼群都跑散了。她不得不一次又 一次的把骆驼赶到一块突起的岩石上,这样他们才总算安静了下来,不 再啃她的作业本了。 She was so late that she missed almost all of her favorite class, English. And her homework was covered in bites and hoof prints. 等她赶到学校,已经太晚了,她差点就错过了自己最喜欢的课程——英语。她的作业本被啃得不像样,而且还被踩满了蹄印。 Shed had enough


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