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696 2009 30 4 Adv Card iovasc D is, J ly 2009, Vol. 30, N o. 4 1 张冬梅 综述 陈 明 审校 (重庆医科大学附属第一医院心内科, 重庆 400016) Plasm inogen A ctivator Inh ibitor1 and Cardiovascular D iseases ZHANG Dongme,i CHENG M ing (Departmen t of Card iology, The F irstHosp italAff iliated to Chongqing M ed ical University, Chongqing 400016, China) : 2009) : R54 : A : 纤溶酶原激活物抑制 1是纤溶系统的主要调节因子, 通过抑制组织型纤溶酶原活化 影响血浆纤溶和凝血系统的 平衡, 引起或者加速心血管疾病的发生发展纤溶酶原激活物抑制 1对心血管疾病的诊断预后, 尤其对冠心病的诊断分型危 险分层预后及经皮冠状动脉介入治疗后的再狭窄的判断有重要指导意义心血管疾病相关的的辅助检查中, 纤溶酶原激活物抑 制 1将提供一种新的选择 : 1; ; ; ; ; Abstrac t: Pl sm inogen A ctiv tor Inh ibitor1 ( PA I1) is prmi ry regu l tor of the fibrinolytic system. It is becom ing recognized risk f ctor in the developm ent of c rdiov scul r d ise ses through its inhib ition of the effects of tPA. PA I1 is lso very mi port nt in the d i gnosis nd the risk str tific tion of coron ry he rt dise se. PA I1m y provide new option in the ux ili ry ex m in tion of c rdiov scu l r d ise ses. K ey word s: pl sm inogen ctiv tor inh ibitor1; coron ry he rt dise se; prmi ry hypertens ion; deep vein thrombosis; pulm on ry throm bo embolism; cerebr l th rom bosis 1( p l sm inogen ctiv tor PA I1 inh ib itor1, PA I1)( PA ) , tPA uPA , , PA I1 tPA uPA , PA I1 , t , PA PA I1 tPA PA I1 , PA I1 [ 2 ] , PA I1 [ 1] 2 PA I1 1 PA I , PA I1( th [ 3] ( PA I) Br km n erosclerosis, AS) Schneiderm n 1992 A stmp 1963 PA I AS PA I1 : PA I( PA I1) PA I( PA I 11AS 5 2) PA I( PA I3) prote senex in( PA I4), PA I1



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