第四章 人类染色体和染色体病 chapter 4 chromosome and.pdf

第四章 人类染色体和染色体病 chapter 4 chromosome and.pdf

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第四章 人类染色体和染色体病 Chapter 4 Chromosome and Chromosomal Disease 一、The karyotype of metaphase chromosome 1、Preparation of the chromosome sample. 1956年前以精母细胞、卵母细胞及其他组织细胞为材料分析研究染色体, 数量为48条。1956年,Levevn与Tjio(蒋友兴),利用低渗技术与秋水仙素处理 培养的胚胎组织,首次确认人体细胞中的染色体为46条,不是48,(1952年,徐 道觉实验室首先将低渗技术引入染色体研究),技术的发展推动了研究的深入。 1959年,Lejeune discovered Down s. is caused by 21-trisomy Jacob Strong reported Klinefelter.s. caused by xxy. Ford ef al、reported Turner syndrome. 45.XO. ⑴Material: Peripheral blood lymphocyte (minimal whole blood culture) Bone marrow cell Cultured fibroblast cell.(skin) Cultured amniotic fluid cell Chorionic villus cell cultured tumonr cell ⑵The keys of method A、 phytohemagglutinin (PHA) 1960, Nowell cell dedifferentiation B、 Colchicine or colcemide 1956, Tjio to cease the mitosis C、 Hypotonic treatment 1952, Dr.徐道觉 0.075 or 0.05 Mol. KCl 2、Morphology of the chromosome (slide 003) Staining: Giemsa or wrights dye Non-banding chr. banding chr. p Chr. centromere q and telomere of the p amd q Centromereprimary constriction secondary constriction only located on chr. 1,9,16, Satellite and satellite stalkNoR(rDNA gene cluster) metacentric chr. submetacentric chr. According to the site of the acrocentric chr. centromere on the chromosome 3、Karyotyping 1960~1980共召开6次国际会议制订了统一的命名体制: International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature, ISCN. (1978 巴 黎 会 议 后 正 式 颁 布 , 1981 年 修 订 补 充 ) 全 文 见:Cytogenet.cell Genet.1978 V.21 1981 V.31. Non-banding chromosome karyotype: 分组依据:(P 68. slide.自) ⑴Relative Length:(Li/ L1~22+X)×100 ⑵Arm Ratio Lqi/Lpi ⑶Centromic Index: (L



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